Meet Our Freelancer, Hannah Barg!

Happenstance App
Published in
3 min readApr 30, 2019
Our freelancer, Hannah, loves many things about Chicago, from the various personalities in each neighborhood to the BYOB restaurants. Photo courtesy of Hannah Barg.

We’re winding down our freelancer profiles, but don’t feel sad just yet. We’ve got another great one for you! Here’s Hannah Barg!

What’s your occupation outside of Happenstance?

I’m a freelance audio producer! I’ve worked forIsrael Story,” the Israeli version of “This American Life,” for nearly two years, and I’m currently producing an upcoming podcast called “Tight Lipped.” I also work part-time for a nonprofit called Interfaith Youth Core.

Describe yourself in three words.

Empathetic, community-builder, informal educator.

How did you get started in audio storytelling?

One summer, I was working in a basement library that was totally silent. I need human interaction, so I started listening to podcasts to keep myself sane. From a young age, I’ve always been interested in people, culture and stories. But that summer, I fell in love with audio as a medium. I started exploring it through oral history projects and eventually worked my way into podcasting!

Most interesting story you have covered to date?

When I was living in Jerusalem last year, I worked on a story about Syrian patients in Israeli hospitals. I spent a day at one hospital, interviewing doctors, nurses, social workers and patients. Through one of the doctors, I was connected to a former patient, who was now back in Syria. We started to correspond, and I eventually had a chance to interview him about his moving and painful story.

What draws you to audio over other forms of storytelling?

I’m drawn to audio because it allows people to share their experiences in their own words. I also find that it fills moments — such as when you’re walking, commuting, or cleaning — in ways that other mediums can’t. It elevates all of the in-between moments in my life and leaves room for listeners to use their imagination. It’s also my preferred method of conducting oral history interviews (which is how I got into radio in the first place!).

What led you to Happenstance?

After living in Jerusalem for a year, I returned to Chicago and have been trying to make it as a freelance producer. I’m always looking for new radio opportunities, and I stumbled upon Happenstance through an email to a radio listserv. I’m so grateful that I did!

What are some of your hobbies?

Some of my hobbies include hiking, swimming, playing softball in the summer, being out in the community and learning to play guitar and ukulele!

What do you love about Chicago?

I love the Lake, the endless neighborhoods with totally unique and different characters, Chicago summers and all of the BYOB restaurants. I also love that it’s close to my hometown of St. Louis, and, of course, all of the wonderful people I’ve met.

Favorite Chicago spot and why?

The Lake and, more specifically, Foster Beach! Every summer weekend, I grab my bike, hop on the lakefront path and ride there to meet friends. I love the water because it calms me down and keeps me cool during Chicago’s hottest months. It’s one of my favorite nature spots!

What’s one thing people would be surprised to know about you?

I play on a 16-inch softball team called the Rockford Peaches, and we’ve lost every game for two years in a row. Regardless, it’s the highlight of my summer!



Happenstance App

We’re a mobile app that tells audio stories you might not know about the people and places in Chicago. We’re the new form of timeless audio journalism.