The Effect of Engagement on Company Growth

Tony Cletus
Published in
3 min readAug 7, 2019

It is essential for organizations to have a team of engaged members to offer their customers the best products and experiences. In the long run, this makes them unique among the competition.

The opposite happens in an organization with disengaged team members. If team members don’t care and are disengaged, the growth of the company won’t be a priority.

This post is about primary issues of employee disengagement and why every company should find its very own strategy on how to engage their employees.

“Always treat your employees exactly as you want them to treat your best customers”

Stephen R Covey

How employee disengagement affects your business?

The primary goal of starting a business is often offering impactful solutions. If the engagement level in the workforce suffers, the company will also suffer, and when that happens, success is at stake. A disengaged employee doesn’t feel connected to their work. So, they provide less or no input that directly affects the growth of the company.

In today’s marketplace, the moment a start-up comes up with the right product, such product attracts high competition. The inability for a start-up to move at high speed may lead to folding up. To avoid such occurrence, having a performing team goes a long way.

It’s common knowledge that the right motivation and communication between employers and employees will increase engagement levels, which in turn will make the company lead in the market.

“Employee engagement is the emotional commitment the employee has to the organization and its goals.”

Kevin Kruse

How to identify a disengaged employee?

It is not a difficult thing to identify a disengaged employee. An engaged employee goes the extra mile for his/her company, adopts the vision, values, and purpose of the organization they work for, but the disengaged employee does the exact opposite of these things.

They are far from problem solvers and contributing to the development of the company isn’t what they do best. These signs are just a few ways of identifying a disengaged employee: Absenteeism, low energy, bad attitude, lack of enthusiasm, unhealthy activities. They are not interested in learning and growing.

“Paychecks can’t buy passion.”

Brad Federman

How the Employer can spark the Engagement of a Team Member?

Issues that influence engagement levels for employees are numerous. Poor relationships between employers and employees are the leading cause of employees disengagement. Lack of mutual respect, fairness, trust, personal expression, values, are also causes of employees disengagement. As it is usually said, “People don’t quit their jobs, they quit their bosses.”

Every disengaged employee has the potential to be more engaged and productive. Instead of looking for ways to make employees happy, look for ways to stop the causes of their unhappiness and point them to a more positive and productive direction.

“Coming together is the beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is a success.”

Henry Ford

Why invest in employee engagement?

The benefits of investing in employee engagement strategies are just the opposite of what it costs if employee engagement strategies are ignored. When the proper investment is made to the lifeblood (employees) of the company, these benefits are just the tip of an iceberg:

  1. Employee satisfaction
  2. Productivity
  3. Retention and recruitment — low risk of turnover
  4. Innovation — improved ideas and solutions
  5. Profitability — high-profit rates / high sales rate
  6. Better Communication

Employee’s engagement strategies differ between companies. The employer must know which strategies work best for their employees. Get involved in the different approaches of engaging your employees and experience rapid growth in your organization. Not only for that but because it’s the proper thing to do.

Now that you’ve learned about the effects of engagement on company growth, The next step to take is to prevent the nemesis of disengaged employees by installing the right tools in your company culture. Try Happierco, the first employee-centric performance management solution.

This article was originally published at



Tony Cletus

Helping growing companies reach their target while creating a productive environment employees love.