Balance Your Life Without a Trip to Psychologist

Generally speaking, most people’s problems are the same and can be avoided. Yes, if you feel negative or depressed today, you can fix these feelings in a straightforward and lasting way by addressing the core issues.

I’m referring to a balanced life approach where more money, objects, and overstimulation of the senses rarely fix problems that people have.

Instead, people have blind spots that they need to address.

“What are my blind spots?” — you may ask?

Well, it’s unlikely that you know your own blindspots, otherwise you wouldn’t have them. Sometimes, if you are really honest with yourself, you know what your blind spots are, but for one reason or another, you won’t address them.

This is when it is a good time to stop doing the same one-two steps and reach out for some external help.

I’m also not referring to seeing a psychologist. I’m actually against traditional psychologists, as most of them don’t have a balanced approach to life in mind. Instead, they see problems like stress, depression, or anxiety as a result of some underlying issue that resigns inside ourselves, as opposed to us simply not living our lives as we suppose to.

Listen, in principle, there is nothing wrong with you. You are perfect. However, the origin of your problems resigns is not doing one or two things that you should be doing, which will be different for different people.

Honestly, I wouldn’t be able to tell you in this post all the different things that could be affecting your happiness today, as there are so many things that it can be. However, a quick one-to-one with me can provide you with the long-awaited solution to your dreaded negativity. Or you could continue trying to figure it out for yourself, but it might take longer or could never happen as it’s far too confusing with so many factors in play.

Just drop me a message. It’s free. Who knows. This could be what you were looking for!

#bestadvice #happiness #positivity #selfcare #wellness



Roman Russo
Happiness: Art & Science (Begginer to Expert)

Happiness coach, founder, and Chief Happiness Officer at Optimal Happiness. Author of Optimal Happiness. Say “hello” at