Being Controversial Can Be Good For Your Health


I believe myself to be a rather controversial author in many good ways. I challenge the status quo and I’m not afraid to speak out about topics I support, especially those which are not commonly addressed by the general public. For example, here on Medium, I wrote two articles, stating:

“Toxic Positivity sounds like something created by a pessimist”


“sleeping around is bad for you” (for everyone)!

I also believe that:

  • We should completely eliminate “bad” / unhealthy products like drugs and Coca-Cola, etc by law;
  • Global population growth is a real issue and we should impose a limit on how many children parents can have (2 max); and
  • My Optimal Happiness message is quite controversial, too. After all, I say that we can and should pursue our happiest potential. This is currently a radical idea for most people to accept and believe. Yet, one day I hope it can become a social default.

The reason that I am so controversial is that I believe that our current society was never supposed to be this way. It is not a utopia it could be and there are some very real and addressable reasons for that.

Moreover, I don’t think I’m unreasonable, egoistic, or somehow delusional. It is what it is. The world is messed up and I propose some real solutions to fix it. Do I think that it will be possible to make all of this happen? Probably not, but in order to create a utopia we first need to envision it.

You may or might not agree with me on all of these issues (if you do, I’d appreciate a clap and/or follow), but we need to start with the social change somewhere, and even if this never going to work, at the very least it gets people thinking and makes for some interesting and entertaining conversation.

Stay happy!



Roman Russo
Happiness: Art & Science (Begginer to Expert)

Happiness coach, founder, and Chief Happiness Officer at Optimal Happiness. Author of Optimal Happiness. Say “hello” at