Happiness Body Language: How to Tell if Someone is Happy

It is well documented that there is a two-way relationship between our bodies and our mind, meaning that our body language will affect our happiness and the other way around. This is helpful because knowing and applying happiness body language tips will make us happy, at the same time avoiding unnecessary negativity and hurt in the process.

Moreover, we can learn to observe other people knowing when they are happy or unhappy simply by watching their body language. We can even intervene and help others to feel happier, by helping them to adjust their body language in the right direction.

To do so, all we need to know are the following happiness body language tips:

Walk Tall and Proud

Standing up straight and walking with our head held high are posture happiness body language tips that convey confidence, power, and — you guessed it — happiness.

When we walk tall, we take up more space and this makes us feel more powerful. On the other hand, when we walk hunched over, we make ourselves smaller and feel weaker.

Duchenne smile

Smile: Genuine or Fake

A genuine smile will reach your eyes, also known as a Duchenne smile. This happens because the muscles around the eye are controlled by the cranial nerve, which cannot be faked voluntarily.

On the other hand, a fake smile only involves the mouth and not the eyes. A good way to spot a fake smile is by looking at the crow’s feet area. If the lines around the eyes are not visible, then it’s likely that the smile is fake.

Walk Not Too Fast or Slow

It’s important to find the balance between walking too slow (which can make us look like we don’t know where we’re going) and too fast (which can make us look like we’re in a hurry and stressed).

The key is to walk at a moderate pace with our shoulders back and our head held high. This happiness body language tip will not only make us feel happier, but it will also make us look happier.

Make Eye Contact

Making eye contact is a happiness body language tip that conveys confidence and shows that we are engaged in the conversation.

When we make eye contact, it sends a signal to the other person that we are interested in what they have to say. On the other hand, avoiding eye contact can make us look disinterested, untrustworthy, or even uncomfortable.

Posture: Open or Closed

The way we hold our body can also affect our happiness. When we sit or stand with an open posture, we take up more space and this makes us feel more powerful. On the other hand, when we have a closed posture, we make ourselves smaller and feel weaker.

An easy way to spot an open posture is by looking at the person’s shoulders. If they are squared off and relaxed, it means that the person is open to communication. On the other hand, if the person’s shoulders are hunched over and their arms are crossed, it means that they are closed off.

Body: Relaxed or Tense

The way we hold our body can also affect our happiness. When our body is relaxed, it sends a signal to our brain that everything is okay and that we are safe. On the other hand, when our body is tense, it sends a signal to our brain that something is wrong and that we are in danger.

This happiness body language tip is especially important to remember when we are in a meeting or giving a presentation. If our body is tense, it will be difficult to concentrate and we will likely make more mistakes. On the other hand, if our body is relaxed, we will be able to think more clearly and perform better.

Hands: Clenched vs Open

The way we use our hands can also affect our happiness. When our hands are clenched, it sends a signal to our brain that we are angry or frustrated. On the other hand, when our hands are open, it sends a signal to our brain that we are calm and relaxed.

This happiness body language tip is especially important to remember when we are meeting someone for the first time or giving a presentation. If our hands are clenched, it will make us look angry or aggressive. On the other hand, if our hands are open, we will look more friendly and approachable.

Energy: Motion or Stillness

Motion creates emotion, as a popular saying goes. Of course, a lot of movement does not guarantee that a person is happy, not extreme relaxation does not guarantee someone being sad.

Yet, generally speaking, a happy person will be more energetic and full of life, so to say, while an unhappy person may become slow, lethargic, and with seemingly low life inside of them.

Smile Even if You Don’t Feel Like It

When we see someone smiling at us, we tend to mirror their behavior and smile back. So, by faking a smile, we can actually trick our brain into happiness. This is why it’s important to be aware of fake smiles, learn how to spot them, and use them.



Roman Russo
Happiness: Art & Science (Begginer to Expert)

Happiness coach, founder, and Chief Happiness Officer at Optimal Happiness. Author of Optimal Happiness. Say “hello” at https://optimalhappiness.com/.