Liz Truss: Optimism Over New PM & UK’s Future

Cheer up UK, the third female PM in UK history is expected to surpass our expectations and prove her opposition wrong.


On 6 September, Liz Truss replaced Boris Johnson after his controversial resignation as Prime Minister in the United Kingdom.

Truss doesn’t come without her own share of controversy with her political opponents firing on all cylinders warning everyone about how poorly she is qualified to run the country and how much damage Truss can do during her rule.

And while the controversy is real, there is some positivity to look forward to. After all, during the Covid pandemic, countries which had women in power performed better in dealing with the outbreak compared to their male counterparts. Every year, there are more female university graduates who also have better grades and women overall outperform men in many respects of life.

And yet, in politics and in top positions in the corporate world, women are still under-represented with men dominating the scene. This is a shame since everyone brings something unique to the table and when there are not enough women in power, or when they aren’t given enough voice, certain important points of view are not given enough weight putting the whole system out of balance.

As a male writer, I understand that I’m giving my fellow men a kick in the boot, but hear me out. Studies consistently prove that a balanced system performs better than a system that follows a certain extreme. Women being under-represented at work or in the political arena is extreme and in many ways our world is the way it is because men were allowed to be in power for longer than women did.

This has been going on for so long that even women themselves often don’t respect fellow women in power, thinking that a man will do a better job, just because they are a man.

And so, I don’t want to get into the qualifications or lack of these for Liz Truss, but I will say that women generally speaking have it harder trying to get the respect and acknowledgment they deserve meaning that if any woman gets to a position of power she deserves that extra recognition.

And while the UK (and the rest of the world) are struggling with the after-effects of Brexit, COVID, recession, and war in Ukraine, Liz Truss will have to face the same problems anyone else would have to face if they were a prime minister.

The road ahead will be hard, but I hope that Liz Truss will still prove the haters wrong, by making the overdue necessary hard decisions for the better of the UK and the rest of the world.



Roman Russo
Happiness: Art & Science (Begginer to Expert)

Happiness coach, founder, and Chief Happiness Officer at Optimal Happiness. Author of Optimal Happiness. Say “hello” at