Write For “Happiness: Art & Science”

We are looking for talented writers to join our team!

Are you as excited to contribute to Happiness: Art & Science (Beginners to Expert) as much as we are? Then join our writers’ team!

The topic we are most interested in are

  • Happiness
  • Mental health
  • Psychology
  • Self-development
  • Related content

How long should the articles be?

We value quality about the length, meaning that as long as the piece is good, it will be approved. Still, a good guideline is 500 words minimum, 1000 ideally, 1,500 or more, amazing!

Other Guidelines

  1. Please save your story as unpublished drafts
  2. Use a clear title and subtitle
  3. Double check your grammar
  4. We reserve the right to change (improve) the title, subtitle, and the cover image
  5. I recommend putting your stories behind Medium’s paywall: This is optional, though.
  6. Follow Medium’s Distribution Standards
  7. Please submit ready articles: which require minimal editing / change.

Do this to become a writer

To apply to join our team just comment “Happiness today & forever!” and we will add you as soon as possible.



Roman Russo
Happiness: Art & Science (Begginer to Expert)

Happiness coach, founder, and Chief Happiness Officer at Optimal Happiness. Author of Optimal Happiness. Say “hello” at https://optimalhappiness.com/.