How to Strengthen the Mind for Greater Happiness

8 Mind Training Practices

Debby Germino
Happiness In Training


What does your mind do when it hits a roadblock?

If you’re anything like me, your mind expertly produces a million urgent activities that MUST be done first before it can tackle the only real priority that it should be focusing on.

That’s what my mind is doing right now. It’s 3 pm and I’ve been attempting to write since 11 am. But first, I had to complete 280 push-ups, call my health insurance company, call my mortgage broker, go for a walk, meditate, and eat lunch. Even now, my rogue mind is thinking of how lovely a snack would taste despite the fact that my stomach is fully satiated from the lunch I fed it 2 hours ago.

The mind is not our own. It is not something we can control. Yet most of us are under the delusion that we can. If you don’t believe that you are not in control of your mind, then ask yourself why you can’t stop that nasty inner critic that keeps hounding you all day long? Or why you can’t stop replaying the last argument with your partner? Control of the mind is a futile and useless endeavor.

Mind training, on the other hand, is a viable and valuable activity that anyone interested in living a happier and healthier existence should engage in. We’ve all been a victim of the mind ruining a perfectly…



Debby Germino
Happiness In Training

Happiness & Health Improvement Junkie, Meditator, Yogi, Triathlete, Film & TV Editor, Writer/Blogger