This is The Best Training Tool for Happier Living

The Antidote to Self Criticism

Debby Germino
Happiness In Training


Photo by The Phope on Unsplash

I have spent the majority of my life berating, badgering and otherwise beating myself up for any number of activities or skills I have attempted to learn. This self-criticism became an overarching theme in the running dialogue in my head.

I am not alone in this critical stream of consciousness. Left unchecked, the vast majority of humans likely has a similar internal commentary.

A few years ago, I began a practice to cultivate greater happiness in my life. My hope was to actively recruit positive feelings and states of mind rather than leaving it up to chance. One of the many benefits of this practice was decreasing the self-effacing, judgmental inner critic that ruled my brain. With just a few minutes of daily practice, I was able to lower the decibels of the overbearing dictator and dethrone her from her prominent seat in my head. I can’t say that I’ve locked her up for good. She still chimes in from time to time, but her power and authority have been downgraded significantly.

What is this magical practice I am doing?


Gratitude is a simple and insanely effective way to quiet the inner critic in your head that is constantly holding you back from the joy and full…



Debby Germino
Happiness In Training

Happiness & Health Improvement Junkie, Meditator, Yogi, Triathlete, Film & TV Editor, Writer/Blogger