Moving to Canada Boosted my Creativity — This is Why.

Why Canada being cold and dark impacted my creativity?

Gladys Carmina
The Joy of Making


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I’ve always been a creative person, with multiple hobbies but it wasn’t until I moved from Mexico to Canada that my creative flow boosted.

Now that I see it in the distance, it is a surprise that my creativity had a boost while I was feeling homesick.

These are the reasons why my creativity had a boost when I moved from Mexico to Canada

1. Mexico is a colorful place to live, but…

in Mexico I wasn’t allowed to wear colorful colors on my outfits.

A colorful outfit makes you stand out, and not for a good reason but for looking like a weirdo, or a childish personality.

People in Mexico would opt for wearing sober and black colors to look formal, and professional. In Canada, none cares a shït about the colors you choose to dress up.

Also, my dad wouldn’t allow me going out with a “non combined” outfit.

Now I understand he wasn't ashamed of my vibrant personality but my dad was protecting me of negative and hurting comments.

I love that in Canada I can explore my creativity from the pallet colour, textures and…



Gladys Carmina
The Joy of Making

Get creative: 🌸Fibre Artist, writer and arroz de todos los moles🩷