News from our community team about the latest Happs improvements

Topics covered: broadcast title length, high quality audio for Android, a new iOS update, moderation, and more.

Matt Ruby
3 min readApr 26, 2021


Happs’ team members Peter Bittner and Pablo De La Hoya host a weekly broadcast where they answer questions from viewers and offer community updates. Subscribe to the Happs channel to get alerted on future episodes.

Here is some of the information shared on last week’s broadcast:

✳️ Now you can get more creative and descriptive with broadcast titles. The latest Happs update on iOS and Android allows up to 99 characters for titles (up from 50).

✳️ Broadcaster tip: Shut down extra apps running in the background. That gives you maximum computing power when livestreaming and multicasting through Happs.

✳️ Android musician/performer? New high quality audio is now available for Android. If you’re an Android user, test it out and let us know what you think at (Note: This is specifically relevant to musicians and performers. If you’re just having a normal conversation, you probably don’t need this kind of HD setting.)

✳️ There is a new iOS update out that allows more characters in titles, bug fixes, and general improvements to CPU usage. If you’re an iOS user, be sure to upgrade.

✳️ Want to turn off all comments during a broadcast? In the bottom right hand corner, there’s a three-dot menu where you can select turn off comments.

✳️ When going live, remember: It’s very important to get to the final step where you see the red Go Live button. Otherwise you’re not fully live yet.

✳️ “Can we schedule broadcasts at 15 minute scheduling intervals?” We’re planning on adding more scheduling customization soon. Stay tuned.

✳️ “Any recent updates for the desktop studio?” We have put out a series of updates over the past few weeks improving CPU usage. We’ll be improving the user experience further in the upcoming months too.

✳️ “When I go live it doesn’t send out notifications to my subscribers. What’s up?” That should be working fine. It’s possible your subscribers have their notifications disabled so be sure to have them check on that.

✳️ Reminder: The best browser to use when going live is Chrome. Happs is optimized to work best on that platform.

✳️ A Happs user comments: “I discovered how important it is to have a fast computer for Happs. Since getting a new laptop, no one complains I’m blurry and pixelated anymore.” Absolutely. Maximizing memory and RAM on your computer are both important for seamless broadcasting. The latest models of Macs and several types of PCs do great on Happs but older machines may experience performance issues. Also, tablets (or even MacBook Airs which are tablet-like) can struggle with livestreaming. We are working to make sure our CPU usage comes down, but upgrading your machine is a surefire way to improve your broadcasts in the near term.

✳️ What makes a broadcast trending? In most cases, it’s the activity on the broadcast (comments, awards, views, etc.). Other times, relatively new users are included as trending in order to welcome them into the Happs fold.

✳️ Don’t forget to support broadcasters that you’re a fan of to help reward them for their time and energy (and help fund the tech they buy to bring these broadcasts to you).

✳️ Re: moderation, hosts are responsible for their guests and the content of their broadcasts. If a guest says something vulgar, derogatory, or that otherwise breaks our community guidelines, both the broadcaster and the guest will be warned. Hosts are responsible for what’s in their broadcasts. Our community guidelines are viewable here. Hosts are not responsible for comments though. The person that is making the comment is the person responsible for the comment. For more on moderation, check out this Tutorial Tuesday broadcast all about moderation and multicasting.

We’re constantly upgrading Happs and aiming to improve the user experience. We’re pumping out new updates, on nearly every device, on a weekly basis. Stay tuned for additional news, subscribe to our Happs channel to get alerts about upcoming broadcasts, and reach out with any questions:

