It’s too hard to make money off live broadcasting. Enter Happs.

Existing livestreaming platforms struggle to serve the needs of serious creators. Happs makes it easy for anyone to produce studio-quality live broadcasts and get paid by their viewers.

Matt Ruby
3 min readFeb 4, 2021


Happs is the smartest platform for live broadcasting

Existing livestreaming platforms struggle to serve the needs of serious creators. Happs offers a new kind of platform that makes it easy for anyone to produce studio-quality live broadcasts and get paid by their viewers.

The pain point

It’s too hard to make money off live broadcasting.

Why it’s hard

Far too often, broadcasters feel they have to…

  • Figure out a complex set of studio tools.
  • Piece together a fragmented set of platforms and payment apps in order to get paid.
  • Try to stand out on platforms dominated by gamers, adult content and conspiracy theorists.
  • Play second fiddle at a platform that’s not designed for live broadcasters.
  • Deal with a faceless company that offers no support.
  • Do it all alone.

Who feels this way?

Creators, journalists, musicians, sportscasters, teachers, podcasters, artists, travel vloggers, comedians, and anyone else who wants to go live.

Why Happs is the solution

Happs gives everybody the chance to be a professional live broadcaster.

  • Happs lets you look like a pro by inviting guests, adding visual overlays, and inserting b-roll footage easily.
  • Happs offers an all-in-one payment toolkit — and we don’t get paid until you get paid.
  • Happs provides a curated community of creators (no adult stars or conspiracy kooks allowed).
  • Happs does live broadcasts and nothing else.
  • Happs offers personal support from real human beings.
  • The Happs community is filled with broadcasters and viewers eager to collaborate and support you.

Happs provides a better way to go live and make money. It eliminates the middleman and allows broadcasters to be supported directly by their viewers.

Why we created Happs

Our founders are veterans of the broadcast journalism business and believe in the power of live broadcasting delivered by passionate creators.

  • We believe broadcasters are more than just “content creators.”
  • We believe broadcasters shouldn’t have to kowtow to network execs or subsidize privacy-invading social media companies in order to be seen.
  • We believe people who pour their heart and soul into their broadcasts should be able to profit from their creations via financial rewards from viewers.

A different, better model

Direct payments from fans of independent creators allows them to create broadcasts that are targeted and specific. It encourages them to produce shows that have real value. And this approach is a win for viewers too since it allows them to directly support the creators they find most valuable and foster direct relationships with them.

Happs is the best way for independent broadcasters to go live, grow their audience, and make money from viewers.

Give it a try

Happs provides the best way for independent broadcasters to go live, grow their audience, and make money from viewers. Check it out and see why it’s the live broadcasting platform with everything you need.

