A Study of 12,000 Ayahuasca Drinkers Found Significant Mental Health Benefits

Depression and anxiety were helped hugely in the large study

Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club
Published in
4 min readJul 6, 2021


Photo by Sergey “Merlin” Katyshkin from Pexels

I recently wrote about a small study on ayahuasca retreats, which showed very promising results for helping depression. But however promising, a small study has inherent limitations. Now, a much larger study has been published, with almost 12,000 subjects.

Again, the study is survey-based and with people who drank the psychedelic brew in a naturalistic setting, such as a shamanic experience in South America. It focused on participants who had anxiety and depression at the time they attended the experience, and again, the results were interesting in a possibly very good way.

Meet Mother Ayahuasca

Ayahuasca is a brew originating in the South American forests, comprising of DMT-containing leaves (the psychedelic component) and the ayahuasca bark that inhibits an enzyme, allowing the DMT to work before it gets broken down in the stomach. This leads to much longer lasting experiences than smoking DMT directly.

Drinkers regularly report meeting entities, seeming to some as if from other dimensions, with one regularly reoccurring…



Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club

Research-backed ways to change your life for the better. Out now: The Confident Introvert’s Handbook. Actor/screenwriter. Forge, Better Humans, Mind Cafe.