Feel “10 Times More Confident” Just By Changing Your Walk

Techniques from acting and psychology help you look and feel more confident.

Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club


How to walk confidently as a woman
Svetlana Sokolova / Freepik

People can spot fake confidence a mile away. It’s not a good look. You need to bring it from within.

Luckily, there are some great techniques we can borrow from the world of acting to get a confident look just by changing how we walk. As an actor, acting coach and psychology writer, I’m here to explain exactly how.

Research shows how adopting confident body language can lead to real feelings of confidence and fun, so not only will you look confident doing this, but feel it too.

First, Here’s How to Make a Fool of Yourself With Body Language

One of my favourite stories about the British Conservative party is that a few years ago they took some body language advice that backfired beautifully.

Basically, they would stand looking awkward but with a “power pose” leg position in order to project power – but instead looked absolutely ridiculous and became well-mocked throughout the country. It looked a bit like this, but with middle-aged posh people in suits:



Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club

Research-backed ways to change your life for the better. Out now: The Confident Introvert’s Handbook. Actor/screenwriter. Forge, Better Humans, Mind Cafe.