Stop Worrying About What Others Think of You With Help From This Blob of Ink

If you can realise you’re no different to an ink smudge, life can get a whole lot easier.

Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club


Created by the author with StarryAI

“You shouldn’t care what other people think”

It would be lovely not to care what others think, but there’s sadly no on/off switch for that. There are, however, a few little things I use to get around it. Whenever you suspect someone is thinking bad of you, try these quick strategies help to nip the worrying in the bud.

One is this realisation, put perfectly into words by Olin Miller:

You’ll worry less about what people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.”

I love that quote. We put all this weight on the opinions of others just to realise we made it all up ourselves, and no one was thinking anything much at all. That’s a freeing realisation if ever there was one.

Another effective way is to ask yourself if you’re worried about what someone in particular thinks, or just people in general. If it’s people in general, then choose one specific person. Do you still care about what that one random person thinks? Probably not. You’re worrying about the imaginary opinions of imaginary people. It’s all in our…



Alexander M. Combstrong
Happy Brain Club

Research-backed ways to change your life for the better. Out now: The Confident Introvert’s Handbook. Actor/screenwriter. Forge, Better Humans, Mind Cafe.