The 4 Fundamental Elements of Confidence

A simple guide to creating confidence.

Charlie Lukas
Happy Brain Club


What does insecurity look like? Here are some common traits of an insecure person:

  • You’re offended over harmless comments
  • You need approval and praise from the people around you
  • You’re unwilling to try new things
  • You’re afraid of speaking to new people
  • You frequently doubt yourself
  • You’re arrogant or you overcompensate

An insecure person has no bedrock of self-trust to anchor themselves. Their foundation is compromised, and without solid roots, the winds of life blow them in every direction. This bedrock is what we’ll call confidence.

So the question is, how do you build it? What is the alchemical makeup of confidence?

Confidence is comprised of four elements. These elements react with and feed into one another. If you want to be confident, but don’t know-how, combining these elements is a good place to start.

The four elements are exposure, failure, reflection, and compassion.


Where the fear, there is your task! — Carl Jung

