10 easy ways to make someone’s day

Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee
Published in
2 min readApr 24, 2017
  1. Offer to pick something up when you’re going to the shops. A quick call or text to a busy friend, might really save their day!

2. Deliver a gift basket to your neighbours. This could be filled with little gifts, or even just flowers from your garden.

3. Smile at someone. A loved one. A friend. A colleague. A stranger.

4. Take someone out for a walk in nature. http://hubs.ly/H06CVxH0

5. Leave a kindness rock for someone to find. http://thekindnessrocksproject.com

6. Surprise someone with a treat. Even something as small as baking a cookie, or making them a cup of tea.

7. Give someone a compliment.

8. Tell someone why you’re thankful for them. Send an email, write a letter, make a phone call to let someone in your life know your thankful for them. Extra points if you give them three specific reasons!

9. Buy a stranger a cup of coffee. At Happy Coffee we’re making random acts of kindness more personal. If you buy a cup of coffee for a stranger, we send them a mug, a drink of their choice and a thank you note from someone who wants to make their day. You can do this for as little a £1.00

A pack of Happy Coffee Tea’s for our nominees.

10. Nominate someone (it’s free!). Make someone’s day, or pay your gratitude forward by nominating someone to receive a free cup of coffee (or tea) from Happy Coffee.



Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee

We believe that the small things matter. Spreading love one cup of happiness at a time. www.happy-coffee.co.uk