Happy Coffee — So much more than just a cup of coffee

Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee
Published in
1 min readMar 20, 2017

Two years ago our co-founder Sarah “won” a prize of £10.00 with my answer to the question

“How would you use £10.00 to make the world a happier place?”

The idea? Give the money to someone else, get them to use the money to make someone they meet happy. The ultimate pay it forward.

Next morning the £10 still in my pocket serendipity arrived in the guise of our work coffee van. I gave the driver the £10 with the instructions to pay for coffee for people the owners wanted to make happy.
Job done, cappuccino in hand I felt happy.

3 weeks later this note arrived back via the coffee van.

“Passing around the happiness
One dull tough morning you made a gesture that did indeed make me happy & restored some faith in human nature,
This note & enclosed pieces are small but heartfelt “Thank-yous” for doing so much more than buying me a coffee

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you”

The idea of Happy Coffee was born. On Monday #InternationalDayOfHappiness we are launching this social enterprise of giving. Our platform for facilitating random acts of kindness.

So get going — nominate someone, buy a stranger a cup of coffee and make someone’s day.

You’ll probably find it so much more than just buying them a coffee.

Love & Gratitude,

Chief Happiness Officer, Happy Coffee Ltd.



Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee

We believe that the small things matter. Spreading love one cup of happiness at a time. www.happy-coffee.co.uk