Why We’re Collecting Nominations First

Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee
Published in
2 min readMar 31, 2017

Happy Coffee is a recently launched social enterprise. Our goal is to spread a little happiness, one cup at a time.

We should all be kind, to others and ourselves. Among the benefits of kindness are improved self-esteem, longer life, sense of belonging, increased happiness and well-being, lower stress & depression levels.

We’ve recently launched to collect nominations from you of people you think deserve a little pick me up.

We’ve had an awesome response, but we’d love some more nominations!

We want to ensure that when you Buy a Stranger a cup of coffee with Happy Coffee, that we have someone ready to receive that cup of coffee straight away!

That’s why we’ve launched our nomination forms earlier than allowing people to buy coffee.

How does it work?

This has been a funny one people either get the idea straight away…or need a little help! Read our inspiration story here on how Happy Coffee got started.

So here’s how Happy Coffee works:

  1. Nominate Someone — if you know someone who could use a pick me up, fill in our nomination form to put them in line to receive our Happy coffee mug with a small sachet of coffee, and some lovely happy gifts tucked inside. If you only know their email, that’s ok, we’ll send them a voucher for coffee from a nearby coffee shop.
  2. Buy a Stranger a Cup — If you want to do a random act of kindness for a stranger today, it’s so easy. Just click our “Buy a Cup” Link (available soon) and pay what you can towards sending a stranger a cup of coffee.
  3. Make Someones Day — Once a nominee has been matched to someone buying a cup of coffee, that’s where we start! We package up their cup of coffee, along with their favourite drink and send it to them, with a note enclosed explaining why someone nominated them.
    The person who bought them the cup of coffee receives the feel-good story too — so they know who they bought a cup of coffee (or tea) for.
  4. Pay It Forward — We hope that if you’ve received a Happy Coffee, or someone has made your day in another way, that you’ll consider nominating or buying a cup today.
  5. Share your story. We love to hear how receiving your little cup of happiness is so much more than just a cup of coffee. Let us know how it made your day!

It’s as simple as that.

Love & Gratitude
Happy Coffee Team



Happy Coffee Ltd.
Happy Coffee

We believe that the small things matter. Spreading love one cup of happiness at a time. www.happy-coffee.co.uk