Find Your True North

Happy Cog®
Cognition by Happy Cog®
3 min readJul 29, 2016

By Dan DeLauro

Illustration by Dana Pavlichko

I remember when I was a kid, and all of the adults around me would ask: “What do you want to be when you grow up?”, as if my 7-year old self had all of the answers.

I used to hate that question. I still do. I try my best to avoid asking that of my own kids. Not because I get answers like “a dinosaur”, “a princess” and “a tractor”. Those are all amazing answers and most likely, equally lucrative careers if they managed to pull it off. I steer clear of that question to avoid undue stress. What child needs to take time away from building a fort out of couch cushions to worry about getting a job, how they’re going to pay the bills, or what their purpose is on this planet? There’s plenty of time for that stress much later in life.

Fast-forward a few years and I’m my own worst enemy, constantly turning that dagger of a question inward and asking myself: “What the hell are you doing with your life?”. I’ve got a great job doing work that I really enjoy. I’ve got an amazing family, a house with a yard and a fence, and even a cool dog. I drive a nice truck, a cool motorcycle, and I’ve got a pretty impressive collection of vintage art, furniture and random artifacts. When I’m not working, I’m either building something or trying to make life fun and awesome for my kids. I really don’t have much to complain about. But for some reason, I’m just antsy all the time, like I’m not doing something I should be, or not doing enough of something else.

I came across this list of “30 Questions To Help You Find Your True North” in one of my late-night / early-morning, self-help wormholes. This concept of a “true north” resonates with me — finding it seems essential to navigating a fulfilling life. I wouldn’t say I’m lost or unfulfilled. But I would be a liar if I said I had it all figured out.

As instructed, I’ve been taking my time and thinking very carefully about each and every question. While some of them are pretty simple, there’s a few that have me stumped, and a few that I’ll never be able to answer. I don’t know what the meaning of life really is. I don’t have a personal mission statement. And I’ve already spent too much time worrying about my legacy.

Am I crazy? Am I overthinking life? You don’t have to answer. Rather, think about your own true north. Pick a few questions to focus on and see where they lead you. In the meantime, I’ll be wondering:

If I accomplish one thing by the end of the year, what would make the biggest impact on my happiness?

What do I not want others to know about me? How can I find and conquer insecurities?

What bugs me? What makes me mad? How can I make my anger productive?

What in my life is “on hold”? What am I waiting for?

Who are the five people I interact with the most? How are they helping me reach my goals (or not)?

Good luck and godspeed.

Dan DeLauro
This post was authored by Dan DeLauro and originally appeared on Cognition on July 21, 2016



Happy Cog®
Cognition by Happy Cog®

Digital Designers, Developers and Strategists Who Love Learning from Others and Sharing What We’ve Learned.