A New Dose of Motivation for Building Your Lifelong Healthy Diet

How your healthy eating habits make the world a better place


Image by Janet Cloete.

Diet. Lose weight. Be happy.

This is the simplistic idea behind the almost $300 billion global weight-management industry. And the more this philosophy fails to achieve results, the larger the industry grows.

Why is it so hard to eat healthy food and avoid excess? After all, we all know the tremendous benefits of a healthy diet.

Many people have tried to explain this enigma in many different ways: habits, environment, self-control, stress, nutrient deficiency, self-image, the diet industry itself...

There’s a pattern here: an intense focus on ourselves and the ways we fall victim to external forces. Maybe it’s time for a paradigm shift…

Forget About Yourself: Do It for Others

Rule 2 of Jordan Petersen’s 12 Rules for Life is to “treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.”

This rule was inspired by remarkable psychological research that shows how we tend to take much better care of other people, or even our pets, than we take care of ourselves.

