Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable

Chapter 1: Morning Routines

A good start to your day is a great start to your happy, healthy, wealthy, productive, and sustainable life


Image from Pixabay.

What is the best thing you can do with two hours of your life? In my view, it is to build the perfect morning routine. This investment can boost your health, productivity, relationships, creativity, and energy for the rest of your life, paying back your 2-hour investment thousands of times over.

Here is the summary article from Chapter 1 of the Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable project, followed by all other articles in order of publication.

How to Build a Morning Routine that Lasts a Lifetime

Your morning tends to echo throughout your entire day. A good routine can point you in the right direction, but establishing that precious morning habit is tough in our sleep-deprived world. This article shares the three steps that will get you…

