Ethically Justifiable Meat Consumption

I have a confession to make: I love meat.

For a long time, this was a major problem for me. You see, meat consumption painfully contradicts my passion for global sustainability and my belief that all sentient beings should get a fair shot at a decent life.

But, after plenty of research and experimentation, I finally discovered a way to enjoy meat that satisfies my ethical foundation without costing me any culinary enjoyment. No compromise needed!

The philosophy is called “meat as a vegetable dressing.” It relegates meat from a self-standing staple to a special type of seasoning with one purpose: make vegetables taste awesome.

I was genuinely surprised at how painlessly I managed to navigate this transition. My meat dishes now have a totally lopsided vegetable-to-meat ratio, but they remain so tasty that I must invest some serious discipline to refrain from eating too much.

This simple philosophy allowed this meat-lover to reduce his meat consumption below 5% of total calories with no sacrifice whatsoever. The world will be a better place if more meat-lovers could give it a try 🙂

Have an HHWPS weekend!


