How to Make Your Own Good Karma

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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1 min readDec 11, 2020

Sometimes, the world can seem terribly unfair — almost like the law of Karma is broken. But perhaps Karma just needs a little nudge…

This week, we discussed the art of Karmic nudging using a simple method for turning a good action, regular charitable donations, into a guaranteed good outcome, lifelong positive habits.

The principle is simple: Draw up a contract in which you specify how much you’ll pay to your favorite charity every time you engage in an unhealthy habit. The example most relevant to the ongoing chapter of the HHWPS project is purchasing empty calories. For example, every time I buy one of these addictive treats, I give $30 to charity (about one hour of wages).

Unsurprisingly, my intake of these slow poisons has dropped to almost nothing (and my life is way better because of it). Of course, this technique can be applied to any bad habit. This week’s article gives several examples.

Please give it a try! It really is a win-win: Your bad habits will quickly wither away and, when you trip up every once in a while (which is totally OK, BTW), you’ll be supporting great causes.

Have an HHPWS weekend!


