Instant Pleasure and Happiness

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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1 min readMay 29, 2021

Our modern world surrounds us with easily accessible instant pleasure. You can get your pleasure quick-fix from any supermarket, fast-food outlet, or, most conveniently of all, your mobile or PC.

If instant pleasure reliably led to happiness, we would all be living life with great, big smiles on our faces. But unfortunately, that’s not the case. Many people struggle to find lasting happiness and fulfillment in our affluent modern society with all its material comforts.

The problem is two-fold. First, hedonic adaptation quickly creates a new normal where frequent hits of instant pleasure are demanded as standard. Second, most instant pleasure offerings harm our lives in the long run, leading to obesity, low productivity, and reduced social interaction.

This week’s article took aim at the second problem. It shares my experience of quitting the whole Instant Pleasure Industry, gaining a significantly more pleasurable life in the process. Please take a look to see if this kind of lifestyle choice could benefit you as much as it did me.

I wish you a weekend awash with healthy pleasure! 😀


