Many of Life’s Greatest Pleasures are Reserved Only for the Healthy

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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1 min readFeb 6, 2021

Modern life constantly bombards us with unhealthy temptations — instant pleasures that harm our long-term health and happiness. We’ve all tried to resist these pleasures for the sake of our health (or our looks), only to relapse spectacularly when our willpower inevitably runs out.

This week’s article presents a better strategy: Seek out and enjoy all the pleasures of a healthy life.

Thanks to something called the hedonic treadmill, finding happiness from pleasure is actually much more complicated than it seems. We need to make sure these pleasures are varied, intermittent, and deserved. And the good news is that getting healthy ticks all three boxes.

There are just so many fun ways to move a fit and healthy body! Seeing such a body in the mirror also generates a daily dose of good vibes.

Even healthy food can be fun! A nervous system that’s no longer numbed by excess sugar gets to experience the pleasures of a varied whole-food diet much more deeply. And when it’s treated to a rare unhealthy indulgence on a special occasion, the experience is pure bliss!

All told, healthy living is not only good for the long-term; it's just as good in the here and now. Don’t dilute life by neglecting your health.

Have an HHWPS weekend!


