Save the World by Building a Life You Truly Love Living

An introduction to the art of Life Efficiency


Image by Janet Cloete.

Climate change, inequality of opportunity, Covid-19, a demographic crisis, the lifestyle disease epidemic, accelerating species extinctions, growing social unrest, ocean acidification, corruption, pollution, depression

Yes, my friends, the world could sure use some saving. But who will step up? Politicians? Tech billionaires? Religious leaders?

No, I believe our biggest hope lies with regular world citizens like you and me. Sounds crazy, right? What can we do about such enormous global issues?

Here’s the answer: We can improve our life efficiency.

I don’t make this statement lightly. It took an entire decade of sustainable development research to lead me to the conclusion that life efficiency is our most direct route to a sustainable and equitable global society.

In this article, I’ll explain what life efficiency is, how it can make your life a whole lot better, and why it can save the world.

What is Life Efficiency?

In a nutshell, life efficiency measures our ability to derive health and happiness from all our effort and environmental impact. If you’re interested in a more…

