The Morning Movement Fun Factor

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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1 min readSep 7, 2020

Hi there!

My apologies for a monthlong absence. We were working on a big research proposal (€14 million budget with 21 partners) that consumed all my energy. Hence, I had to grudgingly take a little break from blogging.

But now life is back to normal, and I’m delighted for it 🙂

Today’s newsletter is about the art of making morning movement fun. Exercise is one of the most commonly recommended morning routine elements, and for good reason. Not only is it great for your health; it also wakes you up and gives you the energy needed for a productive morning.

But despite the benefits, morning movement will never last if it’s not fun and convenient. So, if you’re struggling to motivate yourself to do some morning exercise, take a look at this article sharing five fun ways to move your body as part of a morning routine.

One of these exercises is double-time yoga — a convenient, engaging, and very healthy form of morning motion. Check out the article describing this inflexible guy’s favorite yoga poses, even if it’s just to see me trying to touch my toes 🙂

I wish you a fun and active week!


