The Road to Self-Mastery in Diet and in Life
My relationship with food has long been a turbulent one. Intense commitment to healthy living would keep my diet squeaky clean for a couple of weeks. But sooner or later, I’d succumb to a self-destructive multi-day binge when my willpower runs dry or life throws me a curveball.
This unhealthy pattern carried on for the best part of a decade. It was super frustrating! My primitive binge instincts would simply hijack my body and proceed to stuff it with empty-calorie junk. I had no say in the matter.
Fortunately, there was a reason to be hopeful: my growing understanding of the intimate link between diet and life. When my life was good, so was my diet. Hence, the solution was obvious: Get to the point where life is good almost all the time.
It took many years, but this strategy eventually paid off. My quest to build a consistently clean diet not only freed me from empty calories; it also gave me financial and creative freedom. This week’s article shares the journey.
I wish more people could experience this wonderful feeling of self-mastery. Getting there ain’t easy. But it sure is possible!
Have an HHWPS weekend!