The Sound Sleep Blueprint

As October draws to a close, so does our chapter on Sleep. Here are the two final sleep articles:

  1. A 5-Part Blueprint for Sound Sleep. This article ties together my best sleep advice into a clear and simple blueprint you can use to build a solid foundation beneath your long-term health and productivity.
  2. Are You a Skilled Sleeper? We end the Sleep chapter with two tests to check whether you suffer from chronic sleep deprivation and whether you give your body and mind sufficient sleep opportunity.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I feel compelled to repeat one last time: Sleep is the foundation of human health and performance. You can avoid a whole host of serious problems through a simple commitment to give sleep the priority it deserves.

I’ll see you again next week when we kick off the next chapter of the HHWPS project: Diet and Nutrition.

Until then, sleep tight!


