The World’s Toughest Challenge Scorecard: January 2022

Self-mastery score: 93%. Not a bad start!


A rare day of decent weather in a month of seemingly never-ending rain, sleet, and snow

It's time to report on my first month of taking on the World's Toughest Challenge (WTC): doing everything right, consistently, day after day. You can learn more about this challenge in this introductory post.

Perhaps it was just my start-of-the-year enthusiasm, but the WTC started on a positive note. As shown below, my health metrics (red bars) led the way, while happiness (green bars) and productivity (blue bars) were a little lower but still good.

An overview of my performance in January (red = health, green = happiness, blue = productivity)

It was not an easy month by any stretch of the imagination. The weather was terrible and I had a lot of meetings and coordination work to do (these are typically large energy drains for me). Even so, my scores held up well. Let's take a more detailed look at each category.

Diet — 9.8

About the metric: I score my eating habits every day, subtracting points for junk food or excesses that leave me feeling stuffed.

After a couple of slightly unhealthy days at the start of the year, I racked up 27 consecutive perfect eating days. The first day…

