With a Home in the Right Location, You’ll Be Fit for Life

Schalk Cloete
Happy Healthy Wealthy Productive Sustainable
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1 min readApr 2, 2021

The internet is overflowing with fitness advice. Combine this exercise program with that diet. Join this gym or get that app. Buy this new gadget and those fancy running shoes. Lots of effort, lots of time, lots of money.

But what if you could stay fit naturally without any of this stuff? You know what? With some planning and patience, you can do just that. This week’s article shares my experience (and some pretty pictures) of securing lifelong fitness without spending any extra time, money, or willpower.

The key is to purposefully select your home in an environment that makes exercise highly desirable and automatic. In my case, this meant proximity to nature, the office, and the grocery store. Once I placed myself in this environment, fitness just happened all by itself.

With the rise of remote work and online retailing, this dream is becoming accessible to more people. So, the next time you consider moving, see if you can get automatic lifelong fitness thrown into the deal! 😀

Have an HHWPS weekend!


