
Dr. Georg Fröhlich
Happy Heart
Published in
1 min readOct 22, 2016

Associate Professor (PD Charité Berlin/Germany) Dr. Georg Fröhlich is a heart specialist at the Heart Clinic Lucerne and a consultant cardiologist at the University Hospital Berlin, Germany. A detailed CV is available on the webpage www.herzclinic-luzern.ch” (German only), or the international webpage (in English, Arabic and Russian) www.heartclinic-lucerne.com

It is the aim of this blog to present stunning facts involving the human heart, give comprehensible information on common heart diseases and to narrate spectacular doctor´s stories all about hospital life.

If you got pressing queries about certain heart problems which you want to share in this blog, do not hesitate to contact us via g.froehlich@heartclinic-lucerne.com. We want to create an interactive interface for everybody who is interested in the human heart and heart diseases.

If you want to learn more about heart diseases, you might also wish to try our webpage www.herzclinic-luzern.ch” (German only), or our international webpage (in English, Arabic and Russian) www.heartclinic-lucerne.com or learn more about our team in Lucerne/Switzerland on our facebook page: www.facebook.com/HeartClinicLucerne



Dr. Georg Fröhlich
Happy Heart

Assoc. Prof. (PD Charité Berlin, Germany), Cardiologist at HeartClinic Lucerne, Switzerland.