How to help your rescue dog settle into their new home

Happy Hound
Published in
5 min readJul 23, 2018

So you’ve got yourself a new best friend, a RESCUE DOG!

An exciting time for you and your new rescue dog BFF. Just remember, when you first go to a new place it can take a while to settle in, learn the ropes and know your way around. For your pooch it can take them a few weeks or even months to fully adjust to their new family and surroundings.

The good news is they’ve got you on their side, the best family in the WORLD to help them settle in and feel comfortable in their new home.

Stock up on the essentials

Even the most well-balanced of dogs will feel a little nervous during the first few days in their new home. Try not to take it personally as it is unlikely to have anything to do with you — your adopted pooch just needs a little time to settle into their new home!

To start off on the right paw, make sure you’ve got all of the basics set up ahead of their arrival. Items you are likely to need include:

  • Bed and blanket
  • Food
  • Bowls for food and water
  • Collar and name tag
  • Lead
  • Treats
  • Toys and puzzles

It’s also important to dog-proof your home so no accidents happen!

Gently does it

See it from your canine’s perspective — they don’t know you, the house, the neighbourhood, the rules, etc. EVERYTHING is new for them.

In order to help your adopted dog settle in and learn to trust you, the first thing you do when you get your rescue dog home is…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

A dog needs to be given a chance to settle in, relax, feel safe and learn to trust new people. When they first arrive let them explore the home, if you do this on a lead they will know you are with them and this will give them the confidence to have a good sniff around the place. Once they’ve grown in confidence let them roam freely around their new home, but always stay close by in case they need you!

Sleeping arrangements

If they are a bit nervy, your adopted pooch may want to sleep in the bedroom with you.

When your new dog first arrives in your home they may feel a little unnerved by their new surroundings. The temptation will be to let them sleep in the bedroom with you. By letting them stay in the room with you they may come to expect this all the time.

Give them their own space to sleep, if they need a little comforting you should plug in an ADAPTIL Clam Home Diffuser in the room they are sleeping in. The ‘comforting messages’ will help your dog feel relaxed. And then they’ll be balls of energy to greet you in morning!.

Your house, your rules

Once your new rescue dog begins to relax, it’s time for you to teach them the ropes!

Dogs like rules; rules help dogs to better understand their new home and family and build confidence — once they’ve figured out the rules your paw friend can properly relax, so don’t be afraid to enforce them.

Some basic training is essential too as it will help to create and strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend. Start by teaching them a couple of simple commands like “sit” or “down” before you move on to the trickier tricks.

Friendship 101

You’ve been excited about this moment for weeks. You walk into the shelter to pick up your new adopted furry friend, expecting them to run into your arms, but instead you get greeted by a dog who doesn’t seem that enthusiastic about leaving with you.

Don’t panic, this is perfectly normal! Your new dog just needs a little time to familiarise themselves with you — and it’s important that this is done gradually.

Gentle verbal praise and some gentle petting, if they allow it, is a good place to start. Remember to always make sure your own body language remains non-threatening: don’t lean over them, put your hand over the top of them or look them directly in the eyes for too long.

Once you and your dog have bonded, you can then slowly introduce them to the rest of the family (including other pets) one at a time.

ADAPTIL to the rescue

To REALLY help your rescue canine settle in, plug an ADAPTIL Calm Home Diffuser in the area your dog will spend most of their time. The “comforting messages” released by ADAPTIL Calm Home Diffuser will help your dog to feel calmer, making the transition into their new home as easy as possible.

If you plan things right from the beginning and set your new dog up to succeed, you are far less likely to run into problems later on. One great step to success is before your pooch even comes home for the first time! Set up their bed, their room and be sure to plug in ADAPTIL Calm Home Diffuser. This will mean they come into a home filled with ‘comforting messages’ with which to associate with you being their family.

Give your new dog time and space. Allow them to make the choice of interacting or not. Give them a place to feel safe. Above all — enjoy! Follow these simple steps and you’ll be well on your way to start of a beautiful friendship.

