Top tips for getting your dog to succeed on social media

Raven and her pooch Danny Direwolf give us their top five tips for creating a successful pet-friendly social media page.

Happy Hound
2 min readJul 28, 2016


Have fun

There are so many things you can do with your furry friend and if you have fun it’s great for both you and your pet! It’s a nice way to spend quality time together.

Update regularly

Your fans want to see what you are up to and know that you and your pet are enjoying life!

Make sure your pet is comfortable and happy

This goes for whatever task you are doing. You don’t want to force them to do things they don’t like or are uncomfortable with. Always be safe.

Find something unique about your pet

Danny is huge, friendly and unique looking! What’s special about your furry friend? You want to stand out.

Be positive and work hard

There will be times when you aren’t getting the views you are after, or a video just isn’t going well. Don’t give in. Keep your spirits high and just enjoy it.

You can keep up with DannyDirewolf and Raven and follow them on their adventures on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.

