The Transformative Power of Intuitive Healing: Unlocking Holistic Health through Energy Work

Chene Murphy
Happy Mind Healthy Body
10 min readAug 13, 2024

Imagine improving your health by transforming the negative energies responsible for your pain and discomfort, without any side effects, through the guidance of a universal energy source. Intuitive healing offers a holistic approach to addressing the mind, body, and spirit, helping individuals overcome longstanding conditions when conventional medicine fails. This article delves into the principles and practices of intuitive healing, exploring its potential to unlock holistic health through various energy work modalities. By understanding how intuitive healing works and hearing from experts in the field, you’ll discover how it can transform your life.

We’re honored to share the wisdom of a diverse group of intuitive healing practitioners, each bringing a unique perspective and deep experience to the field. Their insights have enriched this exploration of intuitive healing, offering you a deeper understanding of how this holistic approach can transform your health and well-being.

Key Principles and Practices That Define Intuitive Healing

Vivien Schapera, Teacher and Energy Healer, Crystal Healing

Vivien Schapera is a pioneer in the field of crystal healing and energy work. With decades of experience, she has developed a systematic approach to intuitive healing, blending telepathy, clairvoyance, and empathic resonance. Vivien is also an author and educator, dedicated to teaching others how to harness the power of intuition for healing.

“I define intuitive healing as a systematic method for harnessing what we don’t know. What we know is much, much smaller than what we do know. In logic, we proceed systematically from the facts that we do know. This excludes what we don’t know. In intuition, we allow a synergy of what we perceive (know) and what is beyond our perception, to build a new picture that provides new understanding and new information. This new information then has to stand up to a ‘reality test.’ In other words, it must exactly fit in with the known facts, even while providing brand new insight. There are many forms of intuition. Analytical thinking takes many forms, and so does intuitive thinking. My intuitive process, which I teach as ‘reading energy,’ requires a combination of telepathy, empathic resonance, kinesthetic sensitivity, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, and channeling. I also teach my students about the mind screen and how to develop a detailed capacity to see energy via this dynamic. For me, intuition is even more systematic and disciplined than analytical thinking, and it requires releasing ego and stepping out of the way of the process.”

Key Benefits That Intuitive Healing Offers

Nedda Wittels, M.S., M.A., Animal Communication Specialist, Certified Master of Multidimensional Energy Healing (NPMDH), Certified Emotion Code™ Practitioner, Spiritual Empowerment Coach, Starseed, Wayshower, and Master Teacher:

Nedda Wittels is a respected practitioner in the field of animal communication and energy healing. She specializes in holistic healing techniques that not only address physical ailments but also enhance the spiritual connection between individuals and their higher selves. Her work emphasizes the importance of repairing the Divine Blueprint for complete healing.

“Intuitive healing has many benefits. Three key benefits are:

  • Accelerated and more complete healing of injuries, surgeries, and illnesses.
  • Relief from physical and emotional discomfort and pain.
  • Stronger and clearer connection with your Higher Self.

Accelerated and more complete healing of injuries, surgeries, and illnesses

Your physical body is a holographic projection based on a Divine Blueprint stored in your Etheric Body. When this blueprint is damaged by accident, surgery, or illness, complete healing is not available until the blueprint is repaired.

Intuitive healing can access that blueprint and repair it, making it possible for you to heal more completely.

Intuitive healing also clears the energetic patterns of an injury, releases mental-emotional blocks that interfere with the healing process, and provides life force energy (chi, ki, or prana) that your body uses for healing.

Relief from physical and emotional discomfort and pain

Discomfort and pain are great thieves that steal energy needed for healing. They also distract you from envisioning a complete restoration of health and well-being.

Your body listens to the messages you send it. If your spoken words and unspoken thoughts tell your body it can’t heal or isn’t healing, your body receives these messages as an instruction.

Intuitive healing techniques help you stay focused on a successful outcome by reducing or eliminating pain and helping you relax. Setting positive intentions are a part of every healing session. Maintaining a positive viewpoint literally helps your body heal.

Stronger and clearer connection with your Higher Self

Intuitive healing is also spiritual healing. Your Higher Self is always present to provide support, encouragement, and assistance. Because Earth is a “free will zone,” assistance must be requested in order to avoid violating your free will.

Setting intentions, requesting assistance, and expressing gratitude and appreciation are part of every Intuitive Healing session.”

Marla Martenson, Energy Healer, Matchmaker, Author, and Podcast Host

Marla Martenson is a multifaceted healer who integrates energy healing, affirmations, and the assistance of archangels in her practice. Known for her work in raising frequency and clearing energetic blocks, Marla helps clients achieve their desires by aligning their energy with health, happiness, and success.

“Some of the key benefits that intuitive healing offers is that it raises our frequency. Since frequency is always matched, the goal is to shift low-frequency blocks that are keeping us from manifesting the things that we want, whether it’s a healthier body, a romantic soulmate, abundance in the form of money, etc. Fear, doubt, anxiety, anger, and resentment pull down the cells of the body, shock the nervous system, and are causes of disease and disaster. Intuitive energy healing is like a beautiful energetic shower, cleansing the dusty, dingy thought forms that cling in our energy field.

The human is a magical being, so powerful in our earthly expression, but we often forget this in the mundane, day to day. When I work with clients, either in person or remotely, I use a combination of energy healing, color, universal light, the Violet Flame of St. Germain, and affirmations assisted by the healing power of archangels. An affirmation you can use right now for yourself is, ‘I am nourished by the Spirit within. Every cell in my body is filled with white light. I give thanks for radiant health and endless happiness.’

Since the body is an energetic instrument, we can attune it to health, happiness, and success. ‘My heart’s desire is a perfect idea in Divine Mind, incorruptible and indestructible, and now comes to pass, under grace in a magical way.’”

Could You Elaborate on One Technique or Modality That You Practice and How You Would Determine What Would Be Best Suited for a Client?

Wendy Rose Williams, Past Life Energy Healer, Certified Spiritual Teacher, Reiki Master

Wendy Rose Williams specializes in past life energy healing, helping individuals release pain, anxiety, and depression by exploring and healing past life traumas. Her work is guided by the client’s Higher Self and Spirit Guides, creating a personalized and transformative healing experience that resonates across time and space.

“I provide past life energy healing to help individuals release pain, anxiety, and depression. We feel so much happier, healthier, and that life has a beautiful purpose when we release the energy no longer serving us!

The client’s Higher Self and Guides architect their unique healing. Typically, we journey first to a Healing Temple. A series of colored healing lights gently yet powerfully heal the person through all space and time. We balance the four elements in the body. We enhance the chakras, or life force energy. Each chakra encompasses a different aspect of our energy. For example, the root chakra represents our health, wealth, harmonious relationships, and our purpose.

We reunite with the client’s Guide to receive a gift and a message. Feeling this unconditional love, wisdom, and support is life-changing for many!

Next, we travel to the time and place with the most healing, information, and uplift for the current life. The past-life regression may include reframing events from the current lifetime. After visioning the past life/lives, we go to the last day of the past life. We thank the body for its service and rise in pure soul form back up to the Light. The client’s Guide greets us with their Book of Life to answer their important questions.

Past life energy healing allows us to become lighter, more integrated, and to raise our vibration and frequency. Challenging relationships, health, or finances can be uplifted to achieve a beautiful sense of peace, love, and joy.”

Shannon McLaren, Seer, Certified Integrative Craniosacral Therapist, Board Certified Polarity Practitioner & Registered Polarity Educator

Shannon McLaren brings a wealth of knowledge in somatic communication and energy work to her practice. Her focus on holding communication as sacred allows her to facilitate deep healing through a combination of Craniosacral Therapy, Polarity Therapy, and Constellation Facilitation, helping clients realize their inner truths and balance their energy systems.

“In all my life experiences and years facilitating Craniosacral, Polarity Therapy, and Constellation Facilitation — I find the most valuable tool in my energy toolbox is holding what people say as sacred. Communication is a dance of rapport because words can hit like a hurricane, a tumbleweed with no direction, or some may struggle to find any words at all. Our words, cadence, and tone express our essence symbolically and indicate elemental characteristics activated through the human energy system. As a somatic communication practitioner, my intention is to honor what is spoken as true and speak to that. I now use communication skills as a daily practice and way of life to aid all my relationships. We listen and hold another’s words dearly so they can hear themselves. No advice is needed, and usually not wanted either. By listening to the speaker first and then reflecting word-for-word back as best you can, you gift them an opportunity to hear their own words, sometimes for the first time. After reflecting them, ask: ‘Did I hear you correctly?’ If wanted, they will make adjustments. Reflect and ask again, ‘Is that what you mean?’ Repeat this process until they feel understood and witness how their human energy system changes. This process opens the door to self-realizing inner truths that are beyond the logical mind. Anyone can be great at communication with a little practice, so give it a try!”

Tips to Keep in Mind in Order to Make the Most of Your Treatment and Experience the Best Results

Shaman Isabella, Energy Healer and Spiritual Guide

Shaman Isabella has over 15 years of experience in the healing profession, working with clients to remove old energies and wounds through shamanic practices. She emphasizes the importance of client participation and belief in the healing process, offering practical advice for maintaining energy balance and achieving lasting results.

“After being in the healing profession for over 15 years and seeing countless clients, I know those who receive the biggest benefits are those who can truly shift their consciousness and become more mindful in their day-to-day lives.

Most of my clients come to see me due to stressors in their lives they can no longer cope with. People who have tried life coaches, therapy, counseling, medications, and more but have seen little to no long-lasting results.

This is because it takes work. It takes creating a daily practice. Being able to stay in the moment and listen to the words and the thoughts you think. Being able to change what is no longer working, so you can create a new reality.

Healing is a journey, and we are like an onion. When we continue to peel back the layers we dive deeper into our soul’s mission. We learn more about ourselves and why we are here on the planet at this time.

You must be ready to completely let go of the old story and the way you hold it in your energy field, body, mind, and soul. Seeing your life from a birds-eye view will give you freedom. freedom. To me, that is what energy healing offers, freedom from the old way of being.

If you want to make the most out of your healing treatment, go with an open heart. Be ready to let go and step out of the old and into the new. It is a beautiful experience; one you will never forget.

Only you can make lasting changes in your life. With the support of a practitioner you resonate with a new way of being is possible.”

Advice for Exploring Energy Healing

Moira Hutchison, Intuitive Coach, Mindset Mentor, Meditation Teacher & Tarot Card Reader

With over two decades of experience in the holistic wellness field, Moira Hutchison empowers individuals to connect with their inner wisdom and transform their lives by overcoming mental, emotional, and spiritual blockages. Moira’s unique approach blends intuitive insights with practical tools to guide her clients toward greater clarity, balance, and well-being.

“If you are interested in energy healing and wish to navigate the variety of options available, my advice would be to trust your intuition and explore different modalities to see which feels best and resonates most with you.

Here are a few tips to help you determine which technique is best suited for you:

  1. Research and Experience: Take some time to research different energy healing modalities such as Reiki, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing, Sound Therapy, and more. Get a sense of the principles and practices of each technique to see which aligns with your beliefs and intentions.
  2. Try Different Energy Healing Modalities: Attend workshops, classes, or sessions for various energy healing techniques. By experiencing different modalities yourself, you will be able to feel the energy, observe the effects, and see which one you are most drawn to.
  3. Follow Your Intuition: Pay attention to how you feel during and after experiencing each technique. Trust your intuition and inner guidance to lead you towards the modality that feels most effective and resonant for you.
  4. Ask for Recommendations: Reach out to others in the energy healing community, such as practitioners or fellow seekers, to get recommendations based upon your specific needs and intentions.
  5. Personal Connection: Contemplate the personal connection you feel with the practitioner or teacher of a specific modality. A supportive connection and affinity will enhance the effectiveness of the healing process.

It is important to keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to energy healing, and what works best for one person may not resonate with another. Stay open-minded, be patient with the process, and allow yourself the space to explore and discover the technique(s) that brings you the most healing, balance, and alignment.”


  • Vivien Schapera | Crystal Healing |
  • Nedda Wittels | Rays of Healing Light |
  • Marla Martenson Spiritual Life Coach |
  • Wendy Rose Williams — Energy Healing |
  • Shannon McLaren | The Mystic Agent |
  • Isabella Stollof | Shaman Isabella |
  • Moira Hutchison | Wellness with Moira |



Chene Murphy
Happy Mind Healthy Body

Passionate about health, wellness, and spirituality, I write engaging and informative digital content to educate and inspire readers in these fields.