Creating Audiences in Facebook & Google Ads
Disclaimer: Make sure you have installed Google Analytics and Facebook Pixels (on your site) plus have conversion goals setup for both platforms.
Sounds so simple, right? Let’s dig into what this looks like in practice.
First, you want to map out your customer journey. Let’s use our ecommerce store
Using this store as an example our customer’s journey maps out like this:
Home -> customize phone case -> shopping cart review -> checkout -> thank you page
We will use two customer entry points to our site for our campaign — home page and customize phone page
So we want to create views for each page, and events for each action we want them to take.
Impression pixel will fire on all pages. Events will fire when the user clicks on customize phone from home page, add to cart, checkout and when the product is purchased.
Now, we can go back and target anyone who enters and exits at certain points:
1. Retargeting Audience
(last 7 days) ad clickers + homepage view + customize phone page view + no shopping cart page view + no checkout page view + no sale
2. Retargeting Audience
(last 14 days) ad clickers + customize phone page view + shopping cart page view + no checkout page view + no sale
3. Retargeting Audience
(last 30 days) ad clickers + shopping cart page view + cart page view + + checkout page view + no sale
4. Retargeting Audience
(last 30 days) ad clickers + shopping cart page view + checkout page view + no sale
We will dynamically retarget all of these audiences pushing them back into our store to finish their initial purchase.
Now that we have sales, we will re-market to everyone who has bought with the following campaigns:
Re-marketing Campaign 1 — Promotion for 50% off 2nd Phone Case
(last 60 days) purchasers
Re-marketing Campaign 2 — Wireless Charger for Phone
(last 60 days) purchasers
And create a look-a-like audience for our purchasers:
Look-a-Like Campaign — Realized Cases
(last 60 days) purchasers
As you can see audiences are based on where they are in the buying funnel, essentially their on-site behavior.
The campaigns are based on where the customer dropped off. Did they drop off on the customize phone page? If so, perhaps they were intimidated by the tool. Then we serve them a video ad showing how to use the tool.
Because we know where the user exited, we serve ads attempting to get them past any objections they may have had with our product.
This setup I just showed, is a very simple setup. We could get much more complicated, but this is a good jumping off point to start.
Happy Marketing.
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