Happy Mood Score
Happy Mood Score
Published in
2 min readJan 19, 2017


Integrate our employee feedback and engagement tool into your company workflow.

Many companies use their own intranets to interact with their employees. An external application can be hard to integrate into their daily routines and workflows.

This is why we have created a brand new version of our A.P.I.

With our API any company can integrate Happy Mood Score into their applications.

How it works

The API and its functionality is available for all accounts. There is a full technical documentation available.

Things you can do with the API

With API version 2 you can add teams and employees. Get all feedback reported by a team or employee. Add peer-to-peer rewards (high 5s) and get all the relevant metrics for a team, employee or the company.

Add teams and employees

You can add any number of teams and employees using the API. When you request information about a team you will also get information about each employee assigned to that team.

Get feedback details

It’s possible to request all feedback for a specific team or employee. Feedback information will include the reply from the team manager.

Peer-to-peer rewards

With the new API you can integrate our peer-to-peer rewards functionality (High 5s) into your own system.

Employees will be able to send a High 5 to any co-worker and adding an optional comment.

You can also list all High 5s sent or received by a specific employee.

Dashboard metrics

Do you want to integrate our metrics like the HMS or involvement into your own dashboard? Now it’s possible and very easy.

You have access to all relevant metrics for the company, a team or an employee for the period of time that you specify. If no dates are specify you will get the last 3 months.

Some of the metrics you now have access to:

  • Number of valid feedback received.
  • Number of feedback received with result “As expected”.
  • Number of feedback received with result “Better than expected”.
  • Number of feedback received with result “Worse than expected”.
  • Involvement.
  • HMS. The Happy Mood Score for the selected period.
  • Total feedback requests.

What’s next

We are already working on the new version of the API with new functionality.

HMS has a powerful gamification engine integrated to help companies increase employee engagement. All activities like feedback, peer-to-peer rewards and ideas are gamified.

In a future version companies will be able to integrate this engine into their own systems and gamify any activities they want defining their own set of rewards, badges, points, levels…

Happy Mood Score is an employee feedback and engagement tool. HMS is the perfect tool for agile companies with remote employees, distributed teams or digital nomads.

