Our new team management tool is finally here

Happy Mood Score
Happy Mood Score
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2015

Yesterday was a huge milestone for Happy Mood Score. The new version of our team management and employee engagement tool is finally online and available for everybody.

Our new website. Check it at www.happymoodscore.com

It’s been a long way since we started thinking about creating a team management application, almost two years.

We are very proud of the result. It has all the features a team manager needs to be in control of their team and it is specially designed for startups, agile companies and those in charge of distributed teams or remote employees.

If you are in charge of a team we recommend you to give it a try. Create a free account and start using it. The free account is free forever, no trial period or expiration dates.

In Happy Mood Score you will find all the tools you need to manage your team:

  • Feedback
  • Peer-to-peer rewards
  • Ideas

It all start with our proactive approach where we ask your team members how they are based on the frequency that you select: daily, weekly or monthly. Based on their answers and their activity we can generate some detailed metrics about your team status and engagement. Those metrics are also available for each team member.

Trends dashboard

Keep your team under control, create your free account and start using Happy Mood Score.

