What is Happy Mood Score

Happy Mood Score
Happy Mood Score
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2015

Happy Mood Score is a talent retention tool. It is easy to use and it is free so you can start using it in your company right now.

That’s the short story. The long story is this:

Losing talent sucks. Companies invest a lot of time and money hiring people and then they invest some more helping them develop their careers in the company: workshops, seminars, events, in-house training, etc.

Having employees both happy and motivated is a must. We can’t afford losing employees that are good an productive. Today with remote teams and remote employees this becomes even more complicated.

That is where Happy Mood Score shines. With our tool you know right away if your employees are happy, engaged and motivated. You can quickly detect an employee that is having problems and apply corrective measures before it’s too late.

Main metrics for HMS

The process is very simple. Create a free account and add the name and email of the employees you want to track. Then select how frequent you want to know how they are (daily, weekly or monthly). The employees will receive an email asking them “How was your (day/week/month)” and they can reply:

  • Good (Better than expected)
  • Regular (As expected)
  • Bad (Worst than expected)

They can leave an optional comment explaining why they choose that option.

All the information is processed and presented to you in an easy to read format. There is a global dashboard where you can see an overview of the company, the top/worst performers and also you can view all the metrics for every employee along with the comments they made.

Weekly vote distribution

With Happy Mood Score you can be proactive, spot issues and take corrective actions before they become a problem.

Start using Happy Mood Score now. You and your employees will be happier.

