Acapulco Gold Cannabis (Weed) Strain Review

Happy Smoking
Happy Puffs
Published in
10 min readNov 5, 2023

Originating from the sunny and vibrant landscapes of Acapulco, Mexico, the Acapulco Gold cannabis strain has earned its place as a true classic in the world of cannabis. This strain predominantly leans toward sativa dominance, with a genetic makeup that’s around 80% sativa and 20% Indica.

It has a rich and storied history, first gaining popularity in the United States during the 1960s and 1970s. Acapulco Gold is often considered one of the finest sativa strains due to its exceptional euphoric and uplifting effects. Its legendary status was solidified during the counterculture era, when it was a symbol of rebellion and creativity.

Acapulco Gold’s unique combination of effects and flavors has made it a beloved strain for both recreational and medicinal users. One of the most notable characteristics of Acapulco Gold is its distinctive appearance. The buds are typically bright green with striking orange hairs and a thick layer of resinous trichomes. As you read on, you will find out more about the effects and medical applications of this strain.

Acapulco Gold Effects and Potency

Acapulco Gold has a relatively high THC content, which averages around 15–24%. However, CBD levels are typically low — often below 1%. This high THC concentration contributes to its powerful effects. When consumed, Acapulco Gold’s effects tend to come on quickly, typically within minutes. The initial rush is often characterized by a sense of euphoria and heightened creativity.

The duration of these effects varies from person to person but generally lasts for 2–3 hours. After this initial burst of energy, users might experience a more mellow, relaxed state that can last for several hours. The strain has the ability to induce an uplifting and euphoric state of mind. Users often feel more creative, talkative, and social.

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It can also enhance sensory perception, making experiences like music or art more enjoyable. Many users find it suitable for daytime use because it tends to promote focus and productivity. It is the perfect strain to take in the morning to experience a rush of energy and an uplifted mood.

Potential Positive Effects of Acapulco Gold

  • Euphoria: Users often feel euphoric after consuming Acapulco Gold. They experience a heightened mood, characterized by feelings of happiness and contentment.
  • Creativity: Many users report that Acapulco Gold enhances their creative thinking. It can lead to increased artistic and imaginative endeavors, making it popular among artists and musicians.
  • Sociability: This strain tends to boost sociability. Users often find themselves more talkative and open to social interactions, making it suitable for gatherings or social events.
  • Energy and Motivation: Acapulco Gold provides an initial burst of energy and motivation, making it a choice strain for daytime use. It can help users tackle tasks with enthusiasm and focus.
  • Enhanced Sensory Perception: Users often experience heightened sensory perception. This means that everyday experiences like enjoying food, music, or art can become more profound and enjoyable.
  • Stress Relief: Acapulco Gold’s euphoric and uplifting effects can help alleviate stress and provide mental relaxation without causing sedation.

Potential Side Effects of Acapulco Gold

For some people, especially those sensitive to THC, Acapulco Gold can induce anxiety or paranoia. It’s essential to start with a low dose if you’re new to this strain or if you’re prone to anxiety when using cannabis. The strain can cause dry mouth, also known as cottonmouth. Staying well hydrated can help alleviate this discomfort.

Some users may experience dry and itchy eyes. Over-the-counter eye drops can provide relief. A feeling of dizziness or lightheadedness can occur, particularly when consuming high doses. It’s advisable to consume Acapulco Gold in a controlled and comfortable environment. This strain can elevate your heart rate temporarily, which may not be suitable for individuals with heart conditions. If you have any heart-related concerns, consult with a healthcare professional before using Acapulco Gold.

Like many cannabis strains, Acapulco Gold can affect short-term memory. Users might find it challenging to retain information during the high, but this effect typically subsides as the high wears off. Bloodshot or red eyes are a common side effect of cannabis use, including Acapulco Gold. This is due to the expansion of blood vessels in the eyes.

It is important to note that the severity of these side effects can vary from person to person and may depend on factors such as dosage, individual sensitivity, and prior cannabis experience. Starting with a low dose and consuming responsibly can help minimize the risk of adverse effects.

Medical Applications

Acapulco Gold’s euphoric and uplifting properties can offer relief from stress and anxiety. It may help users unwind and feel relaxed without the sedation often associated with other strains. Many users report that Acapulco Gold provides relief from chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, migraines, and muscle spasms. Its relaxing and pain-reducing effects may help individuals manage discomfort.

Some people with depression find that Acapulco Gold’s mood-enhancing effects can temporarily alleviate symptoms of sadness and hopelessness. It may promote a more positive outlook and increased sociability. While the strain is not typically known for sedative effects, some users find that its calming and euphoric qualities help with falling asleep. It may be beneficial for individuals with mild insomnia.

This strain’s cerebral effects can enhance creativity and focus for some users. It may be useful for tasks that require concentration and mental clarity. As with most strains, Acapulco Gold may induce the munchies in some users, which can be beneficial for those dealing with appetite loss, especially when undergoing chemotherapy or eating disorders.


Acapulco Gold has a pronounced sweetness that’s often likened to the flavors of honey, caramel, or brown sugar. This sugary note provides a pleasant and inviting undertone to the overall taste. A zesty and tangy citrus flavor accompanies the sweetness, and you may detect hints of lemon or orange, which contribute to the strain’s refreshing and tropical appeal. As with many cannabis strains, Acapulco Gold carries earthy undertones that ground the flavor profile.

These earthy notes provide a balanced foundation for the more vibrant sweet and citrus elements. One of the unique aspects of Acapulco Gold is its surprising lack of the typical skunky or pungent tastes often associated with cannabis. Instead, it offers a smooth and almost creamy smoke or vapor, making it a favorite among those who find strong cannabis flavors overwhelming.

The flavor of Acapulco Gold closely mirrors its aroma. The sweet and citrusy notes detected in the smell translate directly into the taste experience. This congruence between aroma and flavor is a hallmark of this strain, enhancing its overall appeal.


The earthy scent of Acapulco Gold is quite prominent. It’s reminiscent of fresh soil or damp wood, which gives it a grounding and natural quality. Like its flavor, there’s a noticeable sweetness in the aroma. This sweetness is often likened to the scent of ripe fruits or honey, adding a pleasant and inviting dimension.

A zesty citrus note also plays a significant role in the aroma, contributing a refreshing and tropical undertone. Hints of lemon or orange can be detected, enhancing the overall appeal. Some users report subtle spicy undertones in the aroma that further add complexity to the overall scent profile.

In the background, there may be herbal notes reminiscent of freshly plucked leaves or garden herbs. Acapulco Gold’s aroma is distinctive and sets it apart from many other cannabis strains. While it shares some commonalities with earthy and sweet strains, the pronounced citrus notes make it stand out as a tropical and refreshing option.


The buds of Acapulco Gold have vibrant and striking colors. They often display a rich, golden hue that can range from light amber to deep, almost orange tones. This gold-like coloration is a defining feature and gives the strain its name. The texture of Acapulco Gold buds is typically resinous and slightly sticky to the touch.

The trichomes, which contain the cannabinoids and terpenes responsible for the effects and aroma, densely coat the buds. These trichomes can make the buds appear frosty or shimmering. Acapulco Gold buds tend to be dense and compact, creating a visually appealing contrast with their golden color. The tightly packed structure contributes to the strain’s overall potency, as it contains a high concentration of cannabinoids.

In essence, Acapulco Gold’s appearance sets it apart from many other strains due to its unique golden coloration. While most strains exhibit green buds, this golden hue is relatively rare and instantly recognizable.

Buy Acapulco Gold Seeds Online

Purchasing Acapulco Gold seeds online can be a bit challenging due to their rarity and unique heritage. However, there are some seed banks and online dispensaries that occasionally offer Acapulco Gold seeds when they are in stock. It’s important to note that availability can vary, and the pricing range can be higher compared to more common strains due to its exclusivity and reputation.

You may buy the seeds of this strain from online seed banks such as Seedsman, auctions, cannabis forums, and events. On average, you can expect to pay anywhere from $10 to $20 per seed for Acapulco Gold. However, prices may be higher for guaranteed feminized seeds or if you’re buying from a popular breeder.

Growing Information

Acapulco Gold has a relatively long flowering time, typically ranging from 70 to 75 days when grown indoors. Outdoor cultivation may take a bit longer, with harvesting usually occurring in late October. This strain tends to grow tall, especially when cultivated outdoors. Indoors, growers can control the height through pruning and training techniques. Expect indoor plants to reach a height of around 3 to 4 feet (1 to 1.2 meters) and outdoor plants to exceed 6 feet (1.8 meters) under optimal conditions. Acapulco Gold thrives in a warm and sunny outdoor environment.

It is essential to mimic its native climate, so outdoor cultivation is recommended if you have a Mediterranean-like climate with plenty of sunshine. However, it’s possible to grow this strain indoors in controlled environments. This strain prefers a warm and dry climate. Ensure that the temperature stays between 70 and 85°F (21 and 29°C) during the day and doesn’t drop below 50°F (10°C) at night. Humidity levels should be moderate, ideally between 40 and 50% during the vegetative phase and slightly lower, around 30 to 40%, during flowering.

Acapulco Gold can be vulnerable to common cannabis pests like spider mites, aphids, and whiteflies. Regular monitoring and preventive measures are essential. This strain produces a strong and distinctive aroma, so consider investing in odor control measures such as carbon filters, especially when growing indoors to avoid detection.

Due to its height and stretch during the flowering phase, training techniques like topping, pruning, and SCROG (Screen of Green) may be necessary to manage the canopy and maximize yields. Acapulco Gold’s long flowering time requires patience. Be prepared for a longer growth cycle compared to many other strains.

Tips for Successful Growth

  • Quality Genetics: Start with high-quality seeds from a reputable source to ensure healthy and vigorous plants.
  • Lighting: If growing indoors, use high-intensity lighting such as HPS (high-pressure sodium) or LED grow lights to promote bud development.
  • Nutrient Management: Maintain a balanced nutrient regimen throughout the growth cycle, adjusting as needed based on your plants’ specific requirements.
  • Training: Implement training techniques to control height and promote even bud development.
  • Harvesting: Harvest when the trichomes have reached the desired level of maturity, typically when they are milky white with some amber hues for a balanced effect.
  • Curing: Properly cure your harvested buds to enhance flavor, aroma, and overall quality.

Cannabinoid and terpene profiles

Acapulco Gold is typically high in THC, with levels ranging from 15% to 24% or even higher. This cannabinoid is responsible for the strain’s potent psychoactive effects, including euphoria, relaxation, and creativity. While Acapulco Gold is primarily known for its THC content, it usually contains very low levels of CBD, often less than 1%. This low CBD content may limit its therapeutic potential for certain medical conditions, but it contributes to its recreational appeal.

The strain includes Myrcene, Caryophyllene, Limonene and Pinene. Found in significant quantities in Acapulco Gold, myrcene is known for its earthy and herbal aroma. It’s associated with relaxing and sedative effects, which may complement the strain’s THC content. Limonene gives Acapulco Gold its citrusy and zesty aroma. This terpene is associated with elevated mood and stress relief.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is Acapulco Gold a sativa- or indica-dominant strain?
Answer. Acapulco Gold is primarily a sativa-dominant strain.

Question: Is Acapulco a potent strain?
Answer: Yes, Acapulco Gold is considered a potent strain due to its high THC levels.

Question: What are the typical effects of Acapulco Gold?
Answer: The effects of Acapulco Gold often include euphoria, creativity, relaxation, and an uplifted mood.

Sativa Dominant Hybrid Cannabis Strains

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Acapulco Gold is a potent and rare strain with uplifting and creative effects. Its rich history, distinct flavor, and positive reputation within the cannabis community make it a favorite among both recreational and medicinal users.

With its potential to alleviate conditions like stress, depression, and chronic pain, Acapulco Gold is a valuable strain for those seeking relief and relaxation. However, its potency may not be suitable for novice users. If you’re an experienced cannabis enthusiast looking for a classic and euphoria-inducing experience, Acapulco Gold is worth a try.

