How to Blow Smoke Rings with Cigars

Happy Smoking
Happy Puffs
Published in
7 min readFeb 1, 2024

In the realm of cigars, sophistication and relaxation intertwine. Within that hallowed space exists a mesmerizing skill that captivates the senses: blowing smoke rings. Have you ever admired the graceful dance of smoke rings drifting through the air? Have you tried it yourself yet?

In a step-by-step tutorial, we’ll take you through the process of unveiling the mysteries that shroud this captivating trick. We’ll also provide insights into mastering various cigar smoke ring variations. So, pick up your favorite cigar, find a cozy nook, and prepare to unravel the magic of becoming a true smoke ring virtuoso.

“Ladies and gentlemen, you may light up and smoke,” to paraphrase King Edward VII shortly after his coronation.

Understanding the Basics

Before we delve into the intricate techniques, it’s essential to grasp the science that underlies the world of smoke rings. Smoke rings, at their core, are delicate vortex rings. They’re made up of air and smoke while maintaining their distinct circular form as they gracefully traverse the atmosphere. The key to this artistry is creating a controlled burst of smoke and then skilfully manipulating it with your mouth and tongue to craft the coveted ring.

Mastering the Classic Smoke Ring

Before beginning our tutorial, we’ll take you through the basics to help you understand each element. Soon enough, you’ll blow the one smoke ring to bind them all.

1. Select the Right Cigar

Begin your journey by selecting a finely crafted cigar that generously produces billowing smoke. Opt for a cigar renowned for its smooth draw and robust tobacco blend, as these factors play a pivotal role in creating an impressive smoke ring. Choose a tightly rolled or packed cigar because it will produce the thick smoke you need.

Pay attention to where you are after selecting the best cigar for the job. If you’re standing outside and gale-force winds are raging, forget about blowing smoke rings. Indoors is usually the best place to blow smoke rings because the airflow is calm.

2. Generate Enough Smoke

Take a slow and gentle draw from your cigar, allowing the smoke to linger in your mouth without inhaling it.

Allow the smoke to cool slightly for a couple of seconds before proceeding. Also, ensure your cigar is well-lit and you can draw easily.

‘Prime’ the cigar by taking a few regular puffs to ensure you have a strong draw through the cigar.

Draw a deep puff and let it rest in your mouth and throat. Yes, we’re always saying you don’t inhale cigar smoke. This time, you’ll have to do a partial inhale and keep the smoke at the back of your mouth and in your throat.

3. Prepare to Form the Illustrious Ring

Now, the true artistry begins! Let’s break the process down into manageable chunks.

  • You’ve collected enough smoke with a deep puff to attempt your first smoke ring. Keep your mouth closed and move your tongue towards the back of your throat — the tip should point to the floor of the mouth. This will draw the smoke away from your lips.
  • Open your mouth slowly as if you’re going to say the word ‘boo.’ You want a relaxed, open O. Relax and don’t overthink it. Don’t mind what others are thinking. Maintain a relaxed, soft, rounded mouth posture, avoiding excessive lip tension.
  • Remember, you need to move your jaw to allow the smoke room to exit, and your teeth aren’t blocking the smoke — so, no pouting, duck faces, or imitating a fish. The key lies in a proper ‘O’ shape!

4. Execute the ‘Puff and Flick’

Exhale with a gentle, controlled air that resembles a slight cough. Simultaneously, retract your lips slightly and gently flick your tongue to expel a modest amount of smoke. The orchestrated interplay between the swift exhale, and the deft tongue movement will collaborate to bring forth the coveted smoke ring. This is a great video to watch.

5. Practice Makes Perfect

The concept known as the ‘20-Hour Rule’ proposes that around 20 hours of purposeful and concentrated practice are necessary to achieve a satisfactory level of competence in acquiring a new skill. While this may not make you a master (yet), it does equip you with the ability to handle the fundamentals of the craft with assurance. So, you can learn a new skill through dedication and hard work.

Dedicating 45 minutes daily for a month or four hours daily for a week. We don’t recommend spending four hours each day smoking cigars; you have a life to live!

With the above in mind, mastering the art of blowing smoke rings demands practice and perseverance. If your initial attempts yield less-than-perfect results, do not be disheartened. Experiment with the intensity of your exhale and the pace of your tongue flick until you unearth the harmonious combination that suits your style.

Other Tips and Tricks

Once you’ve mastered your smoke ring-blowing technique, it’s time to add some pizzazz to your repertoire.

The Back-Spin

For this technique, you’ll use your tongue as a conveyor belt to create a ring of thick smoke. How will you achieve this?

As you feel the smoke leaving your lips, push your tongue forward while keeping the tip pointed downward. Just make sure not to lift the tip of your tongue above your teeth, or it might mess up the ring. At the same time, quickly raise your lower jaw just a bit. And pull your lips in a tad, also fast. This trick adds back spin to the smoke, helping the ring stay nice and tight. You should end up with a beautiful, thick smoke ring.

Faster and Further

To make your O’s travel faster and cover more distance, give a quick push with your tongue and a sudden movement of your jaw. These two actions should come at the end of making an O like they’re the ones that push the O away from your mouth. The key difference from the back-spin technique is that you’re moving your jaw forward; with spinning, you push your jaw upwards.

Always keep the tip of your tongue behind your lower front teeth, right where your gums are. And focus on pushing only with the middle part of your tongue. The trickiest part to get right with this technique is the jaw movement. You’ll need to figure it out by yourself. This method requires the most patience and practice, but once you get it down, you’ll become an expert at blowing those O’s. You’ll even be able to shoot O’s that seem like they’re floating in the air until something disturbs them.

Other Tips for Beginners

If you struggle with blowing smoke rings, there are some tricks you can do and still achieve smoke rings. Unfortunately, some people will say you’re cheating (and, technically, you are).

Tap Your Cheek

Create smoke rings by giving your cheek a gentle tap. While some might call this a shortcut, it’s a simple and efficient way to make small smoke rings without perfecting the throat technique. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Collect some smoke in your mouth, but don’t breathe it in.

2. Shape your lips into a small O-formation.

3. Use your tongue and mouth to let out a bit of smoke slowly and steadily.

4. As you release the smoke, flick or tap your cheek softly and repeatedly.

5. With each cheek tap, you’ll create a tiny ring of smoke!

You can keep tapping steadily to make a continuous stream of mini-rings, or you can space out the taps with breaks between. It’s a playful way to enjoy blowing smoke rings without needing to master the more advanced techniques.

Push Rings With Your Tongue

Use the tongue-push technique to create smoke rings. It involves using your tongue to expel smoke from your mouth without blowing. Here’s how to do it:

1. Curl your tongue backward toward your throat. Let the tip of your tongue rest against the bottom of your mouth, forming an upside-down U-shape.

2. Use the flat part of your tongue to push the smoke out of your mouth swiftly. Achieve this by gliding the tip of your tongue across the bottom of your mouth while keeping the upside-down “U” shape intact.

The rings produced using this method are on the smaller side and tend not to linger for a prolonged period. Yet, they are effortless to create, making them an excellent option for those looking to achieve quick and easy smoke rings.

Cigarette Box O-Ring Cheat

You can also use a cellophane wrapper to help create smoke rings. Some will consider this alternative method the worst kind of cheating. Burn a small hole in the cellophane wrapper and empty the cigarette box. After you’ve taken a drag and inhaled some smoke, blow the smoke into the hole you before made in the box. Then, gently tap the side of the box that doesn’t have the hole. Voilà! A smoke ring will form right before your eyes. It’s a nifty way to produce smoke rings with extra help.


Blowing smoke rings with cigars is a multifaceted art that transcends mere trickery, transforming into a captivating form of self-expression. Two constants remain to practice and have patience. Beyond impressing friends and acquaintances, the true essence lies in enriching your overall cigar experience and embarking on a fulfilling journey to master an enchanting skill. As you indulge in the rich flavors of a carefully selected cigar, take a moment to create those elegant rings of smoke and marvel at the fusion of scientific principles and artistic finesse that grace the air around you.

