3 common workplace mistakes you must avoid

Happy Work Culture
Published in
3 min readDec 5, 2016

Come on who don’t mistakes? All of us certainly make at some point. But if mistakes become habit, then we need to pause a little and rethink. Most of the times, we keep on making same mistakes unknowingly because we don’t find anything wrong in those or sometimes we deliberately make mistakes out of aggression or frustration.

But it would be wiser to differentiate between common and uncommon. And most important is to avoid common mistakes at workplace. Can we take work for granted? No! Can we take our boss for granted? No! Can we take our colleagues for granted? No!

Rethink if these are your habits cum mistakes:

1. Late acknowledgement

Do you get pissed off when you see your sent message over whatsapp has been seen but not replied back? I do and most people do. The same logic applies at work too.

If you’re asked about work updates or your status with a task, you simply can’t ignore because gmail doesn’t show the last seen (unless your team uses Streak or Vibrant Work App for communication).

Take accountability and even if you’re not in stat to reply certainly on any question, be professional and say you’ll get back on that soon.

Showing acknowledgement on time can save you from after affects!

2. Saying No to work

At some time, you would be in a situation where you already have a lot on your plate to do and suddenly your manager or your peer comes and asks you to do certain task, which might distract you or might take longer time. In such a situation, be little patient and supplement your statement with data. By data, I mean showcase the number of tasks on your plate and that will eventually stop other pushing you for more work.

One way to opt in for this : Bring your team to Vibrant Work App and maintain transparency at work.

3. Taking credit of someone else’s work

Have you ever done this? Yes?

By hook or by crook, in this rat race of competition, everyone wants to be on the top, to be visible, to be recognized and to be appreciated. And in this race of appreciation, sometime one takes credit of other’s work. But have you faced it’s after affects? The drift between you and the other colleague? The cold war at the work place? The passive aggressive environment?

And what if you’re caught of your originality?

This does more harm than any good. Avoid! Simply say no with your instinct. Take work in healthy spirit and uplift your colleagues.

Image source : Giphy



Happy Work Culture

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