How should you make Monday = Friday at your workplace?

Happy Work Culture
Published in
2 min readOct 6, 2016
Source : Giphy

Today is Friday!

And, you can see your employees bit relaxed as compared to the rest of the week days. You can find them discussing about the after work plans. You can see their glittering eyes and can find them wrapping up their work faster than the entire week.

So, what makes a Friday special? Is it the weekend thrill? Is it “the no more morning blues for at least next two days”?

It has been the same scene at most of the working places for over a decade. However, few companies such as Amazon is coming up with 30 hours work week to ensure higher productivity within the limited time.

Being a manager, you always wish to see more energy, more enthusiasm and more happiness within the team. But as the weekend unfolds and goes closer towards Monday, it starts hinting the Monday morning blues.

How should you make Monday = Friday at your workplace?

Implement these 3 easy ways & build a happy work culture :

  1. Make their inbox zero : Yes, don’t email them. Don’t ask them their whereabouts for a particular task. Don’t loop in more people to find out what he or she was up to. Let them be responsible themselves. Let them update you on their will. But how do you ensure that they’ll do?

Ditch email, adopt this work app for secure business messaging and keep everyone on the same page. Your employees will update their progress and the app will notify you before even you ask. Let’s be nice with them?

2. Give them weekend perks : How about making their weekend happening? How about asking them to take their family & friends out? How about you being the reason behind their weekend happiness?

This app enables your organization to provide latest trending perks such as BookMyShow movie discount exclusively for your employees, trending concerts on discount, restaurant coupon codes and many more. The app partners with entertainment units across the city and provide the perks exclusively to your employees.

3. Appreciate their hard work : Acknowledge their efforts which they have put across the entire week. But how do you know what they have done and how much was their individual efforts in completing a particular task?

This work app lets you discover their potential with integrated performance analytics. That means it maintains transparency towards individual performance and this reflects how well a person has done or how more the person has to improve. Self introspection > Micro management

Let us all build a Happy Work Culture!

Let’s push the productivity bar a little more higher? Join here and stay tuned for the October launch!



Happy Work Culture

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