How to efficiently manage a new week work ahead of you?

Happy Work Culture
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2016
Source : Unsplash

Knock knock … Monday!

Friday is still far away and the entire week is demanding your time, efforts and focus. Let’s apply these hacks to spice up this week work and do things in a little different way and save more of your time.

#1. Prioritize 3 things for the week

Prioritization makes you more efficient and transforms you in bring pro-active. Since, it is Monday, prioritize 3 important things for the week that you’ll complete and get over them. The tasks can be of any size but prioritize it according to it’s importance.

Remember, everything urgent is not important!

#2. Prioritize 3 things for the day

The week is still to wrap up, but most important is the present and that is today. Filter out all your tasks and prioritize 3 things for the day. Finish the hardest first.

Don’t let yesterday and tomorrow take too much of today!

#3. Apply 80/ 20 rule

Divide your work in 80/20 way, where you focus your 80% of time towards your allocated work and 20% of your time for meetings, for learning and for fun with colleagues.

Workaholics aren’t heroes. They don’t save the day, they just use it up. The real hero is already home because he/she figured out a faster way to get things done!

Don’t wait. Hustle, hustle and hustle. Make your everyday count.

Hold on, before you get back to your work, do watch this video to inspire you more :

Hustle by Gary Vaynerchuk

And, stay updated with productivity hacks and tools with Vibrant WorkApp. Join us for October launch.



Happy Work Culture

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