Shorten your support time for your customers with this mobile app

Happy Work Culture
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2016

If you think, you’re going to sell your product/ service only by making it better and refining it often, you might be wrong! Your competitions might be having bigger budgets, more than enough resources, so how should you manage to stand out and go ahead in the market?

You need to bring a secret weapon in the market that could create a USP for your brand. What could that be?

Customer Delight!

How often do you receive customer complaints through emails? Have you encountered anybody tweeting about your bad service or poor product? Do you offer call support?

If you focus on customer service and support, you can push limits beyond your growth potential. Most of the popular companies known for good service offer support 24/7 and they promise to get back within 24 hours of time.

Ok, hold on! I shall not pre-assume that you are having enough resources to offer instant support but somewhere you do acknowledge that it is important. In such a scenario, what do you do? How do you manage? Do you outsource support? Or, do you have in-house customer support team? Which channels do you use to offer support — email/ phone/ tweet? What is your turnaround time?

Well, no matter if you are a beginner or an established business owner, you’re accountable to solve customer issues. Now, let’s see which channels, you might be using and how rewarding are they :

  1. Emails : In any case of complain, you ask your customers to write an email to “” or “” with a pre-defined subject line (for your quick reference).

How do I as a customer see this?
a) I search for your customer service/ help page.
b) I find out the email ids and open my email.
c) I start with a subject line and then refer back to the reference numbers and list down everything in detail and send it to you.
d) Post this, I get an automated email, which says you’ll get back to me within so and so hours.

- This goes on with a long series of emails in addition to CCs and BCs.

Sometimes, the same email is asked to forward to senior management or to loop in missing people. And, the turnaround time, which you promised doesn’t match with my expectations.

You lost the Wow element!

2. Phone : You could have provided a phone call support number and would have specified specific timing to call.

How do I as a customer see this?
a) Instead of emails, which take comparatively longer time, I might resort to phone call.
b) I search for your contact number and dial in.
c) I hear automated voice saying you’ll be soon be connected with the concerned authority.
d) Sometimes, I find the line to be busy and other times, I speak to the support executive.
e) I list down the problems, the executive notes down and promises to get back within so and so hours.
f) The executive then sends an email with reference to the recent conversation with a ticket number.
g) I keep on following up on that email and the executive gets the ticket closed.

This phone support involves my money (if the number is not toll-free), my time over the phone as well as email. This also increased your turnaround time.

I might be pissed off with your service and might not recommend or re-subscribe to your product.

You again lost the Wow element!

3. Social tweets/ shares : This is often encountered for e-commerce businesses. I have had my share of tweeting and complaining and getting things rectified in shorter time. But being a responsible person, I first choose either email or phone and if that pisses me off then I resort to social tweeting.

To my surprise, with social image in consideration, many companies take this up on priority and solve tweet complains as the first. But why do you need this social image compromise? If you could have better provided support, I would not think about tweeting at all.

It’s true, tweeting shortens the support care for the customers but it doesn’t shorten your support time for all the customers.

So, how shall you create the USP here?

Provide instant chat support. This works on the same line as if we chat with family and friends when we need support instantly.

Be their family first, solve their issues and let this bond delight them.

Get on to Vibrant Work App, a seamless mobile app for the workplace that enables you to provide instant chat support to your customers. Create your company profile, on board your users and ask them to chat with you instantly whenever they need any support.

This will shorten your service time.
~ Customers can reach out to you through their mobile phones instantly.
~ You and your customers need not follow up on any long chain of emails.
~ All the concerned people regarding the issue can be on the same page.
~ You can star mark your important notes, to refer back to.
~ You can constantly be in touch with your customers.
~ Your customers can see if you’ve acknowledged their issue or not.
~ You can even set up your entire customer support team and ask them to create groups for complaints.

In short, lending help to your customers on mobile instantly can shorten your support time by 10x.

Ditch email, ditch phone, and opt in Vibrant Work App for your workplace.

And, ask your customers to tweet how happy they are with your service :)



Happy Work Culture

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