Achieving Goals


Amal Adiguna
HappyFresh Fleet Tracker
2 min readNov 28, 2019


Right so as a hustler, I work together with the hipster A LOT. Being the people person, I deal with the people and what they want and reconcile it to the hipster who has to make the design work for our customers. Now once we revised the design, we need to..? That’s right we need to jack- I mean validate our work to our customers. We need to see if this or that is what they mean by “better”. Imma tell you how to do that now.


Right so once we asked people, now we ask the customer what they think of our design. But different people require different assurances, right? Here are the few that we encountered:

  • Client:

With our client, we assured him of the adherence of our design with his HappyFresh’s design policy. This includes the coloring scheme, the general tone of the shapes and the various logos and icons that are in our application. Furthermore, the design needs to incorporate the information architecture that the application requires and that the customer needs so we show him that too.

  • Mentor:

With our mentor, we mostly showed the process of how we made the design, how it fits with our persona and the various considerations that we’ve already showed to our client. Our mentor is more likely to care about what we understand about the subject rather than the client being happy (though that is certainly an aspect to consider).

  • The General Public:

Right so with the General Public, we ask for suggestions and explain what certain things are. We make sure that they easily understand the very basics of the design so that it is as user-friendly as possible. We strive to also make the user experience as accessible and as non-controlled-by-people as possible.

So look at all this considerations. We validate our product to them by doing this. But as a hustler, you need to do more.

Juggling Balls

Now our hipster needs to follow something and it is your job as a hustler to show what the hipster needs to do: Need a prototype? Tell the hipster that. Client says color scheme ain’t quite right? Tell ’em. Customer says a logo moving around is inferior to a motorcycle moving around? Better tell the hipster.

Your role is the hipster’s connection to the world and focusing yourself on this role should allow for an awesome and well-marketed product that is tailor made for society.

So how did we do this?

I.. literally just mentioned 3 paragraphs ago. Come on..

