People Management

Nardiéna Althafia Pratama
HappyFresh Fleet Tracker
3 min readDec 6, 2019

So in every Scrum team, there will be a person known as the hustler. They’re the ones who help deliver the product and are the drivers of the project. With this job description in mind, hustlers are usually people-persons — if they aren’t, they should probably strive their best to be one. Their very social trait is what benefits the business side of the Scrum process.


Establish Relations & Help People

The saying “it’s all about who you know” is very true when it comes to businesses. Establishing relations is one of the most important tasks of a hustler. In the Scrum process, the hustler has to deal with the product owners, the hackers, and the hipsters.

They need to be able to use their connections to get the things they need for the Scrum project, be it just information or even additional help in delivering the product. Making these symbiotic relationships will surely benefit everyone involved in the project.

In life, you can’t be the kind of person who just constantly asks help from people and keep taking what you need without making sure that you are in good terms with them. If you do, then it is rather unethical. You need to be able to treat people well, have genuine relationships with them, and treat them fairly.

Make Friends

Though not mandatory, making friends as a hustler would surely help make things go smoothly, especially with people in their own Scrum team, since they’re the ones with most contact to the hustler.

By being friends with the people you rely on for help in your business, you’d be likely to be less reluctant to ask for help in the first place and they’d be less reluctant to give.

Even being friends to people you might not think could help now can still be beneficial since you never know how people turn out in the future — it could be that they end up being very successful and you would’ve missed out on the possible opportunities you could get from them had you not decided to start a conversation with them back in college.

Understanding People

When it comes to making relations with people, understanding them is key. Since hustlers are the ones driving the project, they need to be able to understand when their fellow hipsters are having a creativity block, where they don’t get enough inspiration for their designs, or when the hackers are struggling with a certain bug that they can’t seem to fix for the past few days.

How Did We Apply This In Our Project?

The hustler in our Scrum project has for sure established good relations with us fellow hackers and hipsters in the group. He has also shown how he understands people when one of the group members were struggling and therefore were demotivated in doing their work by talking to them and making sure they were all right, and also suggested more in-person meeting amongst the group.

So that’s all when it comes to people management and how hustlers in the Scrum team should make their approach when asking for what they need.

I hope you found this article useful! Thanks for reading!

