
Nardiéna Althafia Pratama
HappyFresh Fleet Tracker
3 min readNov 1, 2019

So, at the very beginning of our Sprint, we were assigned to make Personas for our project. But what exactly is a persona?

Basically, personas are fictional characters, which are created during our research to help identify the different user types that may use your product.

But What For?

Personas help us understand our users’ needs, experiences, behaviors, and goals. It can help us recognize that different people have different needs and expectations, and it lets us empathize more with them when creating our product. Personas help add a human touch to the other cold facts in our project research as we are taking into account the different kinds of users who would potentially use our product. Moreover, when we create personas, it would help us understand the types of people we are seeking to design our product.

4 Main Parts of Creating Personas

1. Data collection and analysis of data — we collect as much knowledge about the users and form a general idea of the various users within the focus area of the project

2. Persona descriptions — we decide a final number of personas that make sense to create and describe the personas as to express enough understanding and empathy to understand each user; give each persona a name and a few fictional personal details to help make the persona more realistic.

3. Scenarios for problem analysis and idea development — we prepare situations or scenarios for the personas (usually by placing the persona in a certain context with a problem they must solve relating to the future product)

4. Acceptance from the organization and involvement of the design team — everyone from the project’s participants accepts the hypothesis, we obtain acceptance from the organization and making ongoing adjustments (sometimes existing persona descriptions have to be rewritten)

How're My Group’s Personas?

This is our first Persona, which is a housewife who could potentially use our product. One of her concerns is that she’d like her groceries to arrive on time, yet she’s too busy to check the application every time. Knowing this, we can design our product to make sure that for this type of client, their needs are met.

This is our second persona, which is a guy who works in the logistics division for our Product Owner’s company. His concerns which involve not being able to monitor multiple drivers and finding it difficult to know their behavior also helps our group know which direction we should be going at when designing the product.

That’s all for this post. I hope you find it useful!

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