User Engagement

An engagement normally lasts one to two days; it may be as brief as a few hours and is rarely longer than five days.

Amal Adiguna
HappyFresh Fleet Tracker
2 min readDec 5, 2019



So why do we even engage with the customer at all? Remember, our job as hustlers is to know more about our customers than the customers themselves. Our array of tools support this, like persona, like making friends with the stakeholders. But what about the people as a whole? When making a survey, do you just drop it there and not say a word? What do you write in your surveys? How do you communicate? These things are extremely important to the smooth running of the product.

So what is the difference between a customer and a user? Well a customer pays for the service. That’s it. Both uses your program though and is similar in nearly any other aspect.

So how do we engage them?

I’ll just tell you how we do it:

Help tolong bantuin user testing kita

TIDAK ada hibah dana
TIDAK ada undian
TIDAK sampe 10 pertanyaan

Kalo mau hubungin PC aja napa dah. Makasih untuk waktunya.

Amal dan tim SenangSegar PPL UI

This was pasted on the many groups that I am on. Now let’s analyze this a bit shall we?

First, engage as broad a possible an audience, the more users using your product (in this case testing), the better your knowledge of the market. Second, the use of incentives help a lot in having people actually fill in the form, you might be asking now why I didn’t use incentives. That is because it has been used so many times that it has become boring. Honestly people are tired of just seeing Gopay or OVO being an incentive. I used comedy to attract people and to lampshade this fact.

This received 35 fills. Our most successful survey yet.


Engaging the customer requires one key component, an intimate knowledge of the people you survey. Without it, good luck getting any fills.

